Ok, so school is in t minus 7 days.
As you guys are aware of by now, there is going to be a school dress code.
As you guys are aware of by now, it is completely unjust because the voting was obviously biased.
As you guys are aware of by now, I am not about to let this pass by without me at least saying something about it; or, as the title of my journal may suggest, ramble like a madman.
Now, I usually am a very tolerant person, but this is getting out of hand.
First, the school took away study hall. AP students were not able to get a good place to study for the AP tests.
Secondly, the AP testing itself was crap. That stupid bell kept ringing during the tests. Mind you, this is no ordinary 50 true or false questions test. This was the real thing, what we had been studying all year for, what required all of our concentration. Yet these people were not considerate enough to do something about those bells.
Thirdly, the school made us waste our time on the science FCAT thing. It was ridiculous. It wasnt even made properly, and I believe they actually counted it! I got so frustrated my FCAT Science free response test was made up of death threats, profanity, my hallway story, and the lyrics to "Fear of The Dark" by Iron Maiden.
Next, the school took away our music. They made it against the rules to listen to a CD player/mp3 player/ipod/etc during LUNCH. The 30 minutes we get to relax and drown the ludicrous things that school has done with some music has been torn away from us like a natal trophy from a dissanctified nun.
Now they are taking away our way of dressing.
I would not mind this had it been justified.
But it wasnt.
far from it, the reasons give were nothing more than excuses given by "concerned" parents
"We have to spend a big time of the morning deciding what to wear" - you could simply wake up earlier, go to sleep earlier, or not be so anal about what matches with what.
"We have to dig through our piles of clothes to find something clean!" - and we have to suffer because you are such a pig that you cannot do something as remotely civilized as to separate the clean from the filthy?
"We have to spend too much to look good" - It is not our fault you are such a shallow person that thinks that the only way to be accepted by your peers is by your wardrobe. It is also not our fault you are willing to waste so much money on clothes.
"We had to do something to stop all those girls wearing all those revealing clothes" - It is not our fault either that those girls decide to dress like sluts. Nor is it our fault that the media has brainwashed the entire female generation to thinking that they must be always dressed to make horny teenage males follow them around. Which brings me to another point. Why do they bother to do that? guys at this age will try to hump anything that moves anyway.
So what do i propose? Do i propose to make a riot? No. Do I propose to come to school dressed however you want? No. What do I propose then?
Beat them at their own game.
This is the official dress code, taken directly from the school site (
Dress Code
* No spaghetti strap shirts
* No mid-drift showing
* T-shirts must be tucked in
* Closed shoes required; no sandals or open heels
* No hats/caps or other headwear is permitted
* Blue or khaki only
* No jeans
* No skirts or shorts
* Collared white, blue, yellow or gold
* Any Miami Coral Park Senior high School spirit shirt, class shirt, club shirt, athletic shirt
* No homemade Miami Coral Park Senior High School shirts
* No oversized or knee-length t-shirts
As you can see, this dress code, much like the way the school is run, is quite flawed.
There are some things that can be worked around, and the student code thing says that we are granted the benefit of the doubt...so be creative and beat the system.
Fun fact: Do you know how it was decided that we were gonna have to dress with a uniform? they sent a letter to our parents. The letter spoke about a meeting that was gonna be held to vote for it. No other information was given about it. The parents of the students that wanted to make a dress code of course showed up, whilst the parents of the ones that didnt were apathetic to it because the whole thing is silly. So due to this biased way of thinking, the voting was in favor of dress codes. They hid behind the notion of democracy to do this (mind you, democracy only works when everyone in the community has voted, even if they were indifferent, they still should vote under "indifferent/dont care"
There are many other things I could bash, like how some of the best AP teachers of our school are pretty underpaid. Mosakku comes to mind.
Coach K, one of the best teachers in the school, almost got in trouble for expressing his frustration towards the school's poor way of managing with the electricity in the science wing.
In Mr Choon's room, if there is a chemical spill or ignition that requires a student to need to use that emergency shower thing guess what? it'll make things worse, there is not water pipe under the floor, just a hole leading to the library ceiling.
coach K used to get funding for his classes by being sponsored by Battlebots. The school CUT the sponsoring. Why? They said that it promoted violence (By the way, that is bullshit, the violence rate has been dropping over the past 30 years, especially in the 14-18 age category. Dont believe me? Here are my
I could keep going on with the flaws this school has, but it would be pointless. No one will listen. They will just think I am another punk defiant kid who doesn't know what he is saying. They will ignore me and call my parents. They will probably transform my frustration on the science FCAT into terrorist threats like they did on that 10 year old who was arrested for saying "...Or I'm gonna get you" to his friend; or hell, like that one girl that got arrested for eating a
french fry.
But that is enough of my ranting. I hope those who read this will understand my frustration.
PS: for those of you thinkin "OMG IF J00 DONT LI3K THIS SHCOOL THEN CHANGE!" bear in mind i am in the magnet program and am bound to it because the magnet program in the school is one of the few good things about it.