Oct 06, 2007 09:21
Greetings all from the State of Ohio! And guess what Michiganders? They're not far ahead in the unemployment scale either! lol...I'm definitely enjoying and loving it down here. Cost of living has definitely been much cheaper. I'm so thankful to Ashley's parents that they've let us stay in the apartment till we can get things figured out further. Free rent has come in handy. The Barnes and Noble that I work at now down here is only 3 miles away, so that's only resulted in me putting in about $10 a week in gas. In Michigan it used to be like $10 every 2 or 3 days!!! Cheapest I've seen gas down here so far is 2.55 But all in all, life down here has been pretty good! Finally got full time status at work, which means they have to give me at least 30 hrs. a week, so this way now I can get some pretty decent health and dental insurance. However, at a rate of 7.75/hr, it's still not gonna be a heck of a whole lot. And that's after just receiving a raise! But as I hinted earlier in this posting that Ohio's unemployment rate is just slightly better than Michigan's, I'm pretty thankful to just have a job period. But with that, that now means probably having to try and find car insurance, get an Ohio driver's license, Ohio plate, etc.
Still waiting to hear back from CATCO. I had emailed them to see how their casting policy goes. Even though they auditioned for the entire season, they still cast on a show by show basis, and hope to have everything done by December. So I might not know if I have a job with a theatrical company I auditioned for in July until December...riiiiight...in the meantime though, I sent in an audition ap. to Utah Shakes back in July and their deadline just ended on the first, so hopefully that might result in something??
Life with Ashley has just been absolutely incredible. She and I are now working on 8 months of having been dating. We finally overcame the long distance this summer, and now living together, I love every moment of it! It just seems like our relationship gets stronger and stronger every day, and she and I are always continuing to grow with each other in our lives and learn from one another. I only hope everyone can experience what she and I have been able to. We just continue to go up and up each day! And as it is now, in another piece of new news, she's now joined me in working at Barnes and Noble! So that's definitely been handy with our schedules and such!
My apologies to everyone back at the Geev, in that I haven't been able to keep in touch like I would like to or have been able to. It's just been so busy with work, and life in general :-(, but do PLEASE know that I miss you all dearly and can't wait to return one day to see everyone! I hope Cymbeline and Bard To Go has been going great for everyone! I love the pictures that I've seen! It feels weird to not be part of a Shakespeare Festival this year!!!
So with that, I hope everyone is doing well, and I bid adieu until next time!