A reponse to game of thrones, though I haven't watched this week's episode.

Jun 03, 2013 15:33

Apparently the whole world is up in arms about this week's Game of Thrones, a.k.a The Red Wedding. There's been tons of "Fuck you, George R.R. Martin" and "I want to stab him and HBO in the FACE!". I haven't actually seen the episode yet, but I have read the book, so I know what happens.
This post will be spoilerific, but I'll put a cut up, so feel free to ignore this if you a) don't care, b) haven't watched the episodes yet or c) will some day attempt to read the book/watch the show, but haven't gotten that far.

[i get a bit ranty here.]Guess what, guys? Robb Stark dies. So does Catelyn. And whatever the hell Robb's wife's name was. And we're surprised?!
First of all, in the books, Robb does have a wife, but she's hardly mentioned, and she doesn't actually die. (At least not by the end of book 3, which is where I'm at.) I don't really care about Robb's wife, even though she was preggers, nor do I particularly care about Robb. Yes, he was the King of the North. But he was doing a bad job of it. He made an impulsive decision that cost him the Freys, and then he had to get his cousin to patch up his mistakes, and we're all surprised that Mr Frey decided turning his allegiance to the Lannisters was a good idea?

Catelyn I am pretty upset about. She's a good character. Her POV in the books are probably my least favorite, since it deals with Robb and all of his shenanigans (which, again, I don't really care about) but I liked her as a character.

But why didn't everyone get this upset when Ned Stark died? Or when Jaimie got his hand cut off? Or when the Tickler was forcing rats to eat inside of people? What is it about Robb and Catelyn and whatserface that makes everyone so butt-hurt? And yes, okay, I haven't watched the episode yet, so maybe it was particularly gruesome and tragic. But this is the Game of Thrones, people. Characters die ALL THE TIME. They will continue to die. This is not a fairy tale, or a happy go lucky story where the plucky young king defeats the bad guys and ascends the throne with his one true love. This series is death and blood and backstabbing, and a whole lot of badassery along the way.
Yeah, it sucks that Robb and Catelyn and whasserface got killed. It's a major blow to the Starks. Sadface. But if you are going to watch Game of Thrones, pull up your big girl panties, and buckle up, because it only gets worse from here.

I guess the other thing that gets me is all the hate people are giving George R.R. Martin. Yes, the outcome of the episode is upsetting, and yes, he wrote the books. But threatening to stab him in a darkened alleyway? Yelling "Fuck You" at the top of your twitter-ified lungs? That's just being rude. We should all be THANKING Martin for writing such a spectacular series, and wonderful characters who we got so attached to.
They are damn good books, and the TV show is also amazing. Send only love to the creators.

Ariel out.

my opinions, i get a bit ranty, tv shows, spoilers, game of thrones, george r. r. martin, books

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