i'm sexy and i know it.

May 14, 2013 16:43

Things are looking up, amigos.
I'm actually exercising on a semi-regular basis. None of this gym shit either. (Well, okay, a bit of the gym at school, but I put my actual gym membership on hold cause it was super expensive.) But since season 2 of Zombies, Run! came out, I can't stop playing it! Margaret Atwood, the author, was in the last mission I did. And there was an adorable Jack/Eugene story line that I already want to re-play. My first 5k was a bit of a disaster, to be honest. I did the Rave Run at the MN Valley Fair grounds. Parking was ATROCIOUS, and we had to walk in the dark through freeway ditches to get there. I sprained my ankle on the way there, and ended up walking the whole 5k. (Let's be honest, I was going to do that anyway. My body is SO not ready for running yet.) Still, the park was pretty, and it was an excuse to exercise, so awesome.

I identify as bi, so this is a really huge deal for me. I can marry a woman if I want! Legally! In my own home state! I went to the rally at the capital yesterday. It was very loud, very crowded, very emotionally wrought. (Coincidentally, yesterday was also my birthday. Thanks, Minnesota! Best present ever!) Mom and Sister went too. Then out to dinner at La Grolla for dinner. Helloooo, fancy Italian place. And yes, I did get dessert. It was HEAVENLY.

Tonight is Star Trek night with some RMNers, and we're grilling! It's warm enough to grill! I don't know what the hell season Minnesota seems to think it is, since it was in the 50s two days ago, and now its 96 degrees outside. But hey! Grilling! Sister and I are in charge of bringing veggies, so we're thinking of sticking everything on skewers, because shishkabobs are super classy.

Stay classy, LJ.

summer, minnesota is so weird, gay marriage, fuck yess!!

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