Oct 21, 2011 09:27
I've been a grumpy goose the past few days.
So to make up for it, here are three good things in my life!
1) Diane did the dishes yesterday! YES!!
2)I got to see Heather! We seriously don't hang out enough, considering we should probably be attached at the hip.
3) I started a new Sherlock fanfic with Katherine. It's got zombies. Basically, John and Sherlock vs. The Zombie Apocalypse. I'm super excited. We've killed Sarah in the first page and a half, so now it's just crazy apocalypse sexytiems.
Tonight's plan, after I get off work, is:
-do my Leslie Sansone video. Possibly in my bedroom, if Diane is using the TV. Which I hope she's not. Because my bedroom is tiny and there's no room to work out in there.
-Take a nap? Maybe.
-Go back to work. (Eww.)
-possibly go watch the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2 screening in the JDA tonight.
Have a good day guys! Thanks for putting up with my grumps.
three good things,
i love my sister