The Truth or Dare Job, Part Twenty-Two, Leverage (vamp!Nate verse), PG-13

May 31, 2011 06:16

Fandom: Leverage (Vamp!Nate verse)
Title: The Truth or Dare Job, Part Twenty-Two (Index to Vamp!Nate: Index)
Pairings/Characters: Eliot, Hardison, Nate, Chaos, Ryna
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 570
Summary: Without the antidote, Nate's blood is the only thing that might save Chaos and Hardison.

A/Ns & Warning: Twenty-Second chapter of a 25 chapter arc, for my angst_bingo card, found here. For the prompt "asphyxiation".

Just outside the door, Eliot lowered Nate close to Avonski's body. "He's dead, but I didn't take any. Should be enough."

Nate barely nodded, falling forward onto Avonski while Eliot called Ryna away from them. "But, Nate-"

"He's gonna be fine. You don't need to see that. We gotta get Hardison." He opened the door to the room where he'd stuck Hardison and Chaos.

He could tell from the scent that things weren't good. Lights came on and somewhere overhead a fan kicked on. "Hardison, we gotta go."

They were both down, only a few feet from the door. Hardison was sweating and shaking. The other hacker was gasping weakly, his airway constricted.

"Antidote?" Hardison asked.

Eliot shook his head. "He died before…he's dead."

"Gotta find…"

Eliot squatted beside Ryna. "Go sit with Hardison. I'm going to check on Nate."

She looked like she wanted to argue, but instead she squeezed his hand and ran to Hardison.

Nate looked up from Avonski's body as Eliot came back into the hall. Eliot could already sense the improvement the blood was making. "Did you find the antidote?" Nate asked as he sat back against the wall.

Eliot shook his head. "He…I killed him before I could ask."

Nate closed his eyes, his arms cradled against his chest. "Help me up."

"You sure you're ready?"

"Help me up."

Nate lurched at him and Eliot hefted him up. Together they stumbled toward the room where he'd left the others. Eliot could see what Nate was thinking on his face. "Will it work?"

"Only one way to find out."

Chaos was gasping, his hands at his throat now. He was going to asphyxiate and die if they didn't do something fast. Eliot helped Nate down beside him and watched as Nate lifted his still bleeding wrist to the hacker's face.

The blood dripped slowly into his mouth. "Swallow." Nate growled. Eliot bent over Chaos and shoved his mouth shut, plugging his nose and stroking his throat to get him to swallow.

"It's not working."

"Hardison." Nate moved toward Hardison and Ryna.

"I ain't…no. uh uh."

"Don't be a wuss." Eliot growled at him. Nate bit at the closing wound on his wrist and pushed his hand toward Hardison.

"It doesn't have to be much. Just a few swallows." Hardison turned away, but Eliot's hand on his face turned him back.

"We don't have the antidote, Hardison. This is the only way." Eliot said in his ear.

His lips closed on the bleeding wound, his eyes closing. "That's it. Swallow." Nate murmured as he pulled away. For a long minute Eliot didn't think he would, then Hardison shook his head and swallowed.

"Okay, rest up. I'm going to make sure the hallways are clear." Eliot left them sitting and went to the door. Ryna followed him, her hand slipping into his.

Nate joined them a few minutes later. "Hardison is looking better. I'm not sure about the other guy."

They both turned to look at Chaos who had at least stopped gasping and flailing against the floor like a fish out of water, but Eliot couldn't detect his heartbeat.

"Is Hardison going to be a vampire now, like you?" Ryna asked suddenly.

Nate squatted beside her. "No, honey. I didn't give him enough blood for that. Hopefully, it will just help with the drugs they gave him."

"We're clear." Eliot said. "We should move. Now."

series: truth, character: eliot, fandom: leverage, series: vamp!nate, character: hardison, character: nate

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