The Truth or Dare Job, Part Twenty-One, Leverage (vamp!Nate verse), PG-13

May 29, 2011 11:39

Fandom: Leverage (Vamp!Nate verse)
Title: The Truth or Dare Job, Part Twenty-One (Index to Vamp!Nate: Index)
Pairings/Characters: Eliot, Hardison, Chaos
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 638
Summary: Eliot finds Ryna, who is being held by his enemy, and she in turn leads him to Nate.

A/Ns & Warning: Eighteenth chapter of a 25 chapter arc, for my angst_bingo card, found here. For the prompt "Crucifixion".

Eliot pulled himself up, wiping the blood from his face. He inhaled deep to calm himself, but it only put him on edge. Ryna.

He turned.

At the end of the hall Avonski held Ryna.

"Well, well. Eliot Spencer. It's about time you showed up."

Eliot straightened up, his fist clenching.

He looked at Ryna, not Avonski. She nodded tightly, letting him know she was okay. He flicked his eyes up to Avonski. "I gotta say, I didn't expect to see you." Eliot said, taking a few steps toward them.

"I promised you I would find you one day."

"And here I am. Let the girl go."

"I do not think so, Eliot. She is your daughter, no?"

The urge to tear across the hall and rip him apart was growing. Eliot fought it, swallowed it…the cat was not an elegant solution, Ryna would get hurt. His fangs were cutting into his lip as he clenched his teeth, claws digging into his palms.

"You took my daughter from me. It is only fair I do the same."

"What happened to Cassandra was not only my fault." Eliot countered. "You were the one who-"

"No!" Avonski yanked on Ryna's hair and stepped back, raising his gun at Eliot. "No. No more of your lies and stories. You know what you did."

"Fine. You want revenge? I'm right here. Let the girl go. You can shoot me."

"I can shoot you and take her. You won't be able to stop me. I will make her an assassin like this world has never seen."

Ryna screamed as the gun went off, her elbow jamming back into Avonski's gut, her hand grabbing his crotch as she dove for the floor. The bullet slammed into Eliot's shoulder as he jumped for them, claws out.

Avonski was dead before he hit the floor and Ryna was pushing Eliot, rolling him over, her hands pressing at the wound.

"I'm okay, Ryna." Eliot said once he'd found his voice. He sat up, pushing the cat back yet again so that his hands were normal when he pulled her to him. "I'm okay. Are you hurt?"

She shook her head. "Nate…he was…he's…" She pointed at the door that she and Avonski had come out of.

"Show me." Eliot got up and took her hand, letting her lead him into the room. It was dark and he could smell sawdust and blood. "Stay here." He left her to hold the door open, letting in what light the hallway could provide.

Nate was against the back wall, his head down, his arms out to his sides and as he got close enough, Eliot could see that there were nails through his wrists and palms, like a really bad attempt at crucifying him. "Nate?" His voice was soft in the silence. Eliot reached for him tentatively, lifting his face.

He was bruised and bloody, his left eye lost under the swelling. "Nate."

There was a low groan, and Nate's right eye opened slowly. "All right. I've got you." Eliot bent his head to look Nate in the eye. "You with me?"

Nate swallowed against Eliot's hand. "Yeah. Get me down." His voice was hoarse and raw.

"Okay, gimme a sec." He moved to look at Nate's right hand. There was no way to do this that wasn't going to hurt…and he was going to need to feed almost immediately. "This is going to hurt." He braced himself and took Nate's hand and arm, exhaling slowly then pulling.

The sound of flesh tearing led to a pop and then the arm was falling free. Nate yelled, though there wasn't much sound. Eliot moved quickly to the other arm and did the same, catching Nate as he pitched forward. "Okay, let's get you some blood, then we get out of here."

series: truth, character: eliot, fandom: leverage, series: vamp!nate, character: nate

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