Title: Five Things: Castiel & Dean
Series: Supernatural
Pairing/Characters: Castiel/Dean; Sam, Grace
Rating: R
Total length: 875 words
Author's Note: A while back I did a meme, basically, there are five questions. Someone picks a pairing, and I answer the questions for that particular pairing. Except I'm me, which means I answered them with drabbles.
1. Tell you who I think tops (or if they fight for it/switch up).
For awhile, things don't progress much further than the odd handjob and the even rarer blowjob. It's a big thing to adjust to- the idea that not only does he have an actual angel, fully capable of smiting and raising from the dead and running heaven, on speed dial, but that he's also occasionally having sex with one.
He has Cas' mark on his very soul- the shape of his hand Dean's very first scar, but Cas loves him. Enough to fall and die and save his life countless times.
In the end it's Castiel who makes the first real move. Castiel who gets called down for far too many long distance booty calls and finally gives a frustrated little growl and crawls into Dean's lap- licking his way into his mouth and, eventually, sliding down onto his cock.
Next time Dean will let Cas press him down into the sheets, gasp at the feel of Cas pushing inside, and come before Cas even thinks of touching his dick, but for now, he has said dick inside a motherfucking angel, so it's understandable that he's a little hazy around the edges.
2. Who has the prettiest hair
"Does Cas use hair gel?"
"What- no, Sammy, I'm pretty sure he's too busy fighting a war to worry about looking pretty."
"Then why is his hair always so messy?"
"Dean? Dean, are you blushing?"
"Can it, Sam."
3. What their children will be named
"So let me get this straight. You misplaced your body for awhile, possessed Jimmy's twice removed cousin, convinced me to have sex with you, and now you're pregnant?"
"That is what I said, Dean."
"And now you want me to stuff your body in Bobby's FREEZER so you can carry the baby to term? What the fuck, Cas."
Castiel shifts, and Dean is distracted by the way Castiel's shiny new curls slips down over his -her- shoulder to brush against one side of his equally new appendages. They're kind of nice, those appendages.
"Isn't that kind of fucked up? I mean, you got Jimmy's cousin pregnant."
"I believe that is at least partially your fault as well-"
"My fault? You're the one wh-"
"-and besides, Amelia has been in a coma for the last three years. Her soul is in a state of turmoil and by all means should be in heaven by now-"
"-uggested it! With your tits and your hips and your-"
"Also, the child is not hers."
"-womanly wiles! Wait- what? Of course it's hers, Cas. It's her body."
Cas is still shifting, a petite hand curled around the faint bulge. He- she looks uncomfortable, staring at Dean's feet. "I said the child is not hers. It is mine. And yours."
There's a moment of silence before Cas looks up and finally meets Dean's eyes, biting down on a plush lower lip. His eyes are still blue, even like this.
"It's true that I do not... prefer this body, but in another five months, that will not matter. I can take back Jimmy's body, and guide Amelia's soul to heaven."
"What about the kid?"
Cas gives him a surprised look- a faint widening of her -his- eyes. "We will take care of her, of course."
"Or him."
Cas looks shifty. "Ah yes. Or him."
"The child is female, Dean. I'm sorry- I did not know that you wished for it to be a surprise."
"A girl."
Something in Cas' eyes go soft- fond as he caresses Amelia's stomach. "Yes, a girl, Dean. I thought-"
He goes quiet, and Dean has to bark his name to get him to look back up again. Cas flushes. "I thought we could name her Grace? Anna would be odd, as you've had sexual relations with her namesake, and Mary would be-"
Dammit, his eyes feel misty. "Grace is fine, Cas."
Cas smiles. "I have my grace, and now you- we- have our own."
Dean stares at him for a minute. "Dude, that was so fucking cheesy."
"I do not understand- what does that statement have to do with cheese?"
He rolls his eyes. "Whatever Cas. Now, let's go find your body, so we can stuff it in a meatlocker before it spoils."
4. Which one would be the loudest during sex
It's kind of a surprise, but then, after not getting off for several millenia, Dean can understand why Cas has a bit of trouble controlling his impulses.
5. My ideal scenario for them
"Grace! What have I told you about touching the goddamn shot guns?!"
When she glares at him, she looks just like Castiel. Well, in a scrawny thirteen year old kind of way. "I'm supposed to wait for you or Daddy, I know. But-"
"No buts!"
Her eyes go a bit watery and her glare wobbles. Fuck.
"Look, I just don't want you to get hurt."
"Dad- come on. I have wings. I'm going to get hurt sometime."
"Honey, you don't really-"
"It won't hurt much. It didn't hurt that one time in Nebraska, and it'll heal up fas-"
"Goddammit, Cas! Get your feathery ass down here and have the angel talk with your daughter!"