Haunting Past

Sep 16, 2008 12:01

I finally did it, my story is now complete!

A big thanks to all those that have been reading and I hope you'll enjoy this last part. :D

Title: Haunting Past
Chapter: (15/15)
Rating: PG
Summary: People are being found dead and Sam and Dean along with Bobby are trying to figure out what is causing these strange deaths.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything, just borrowed these wonderful characters.

Previous chapters
Chapter one , Chapter two , Chapter three , Chapter four , Chapter five , Chapter six , Chapter seven , Chapter eight , Chapter nine , Chapter ten , Chapter eleven , Chapter twelve , Chapter thirteen , Chapter fourteen

Hope you enjoy it!!

Here's the last chapter, thanks for reading. :D

Chapter fifteen

"SAM!" both Dean and Bobby screamed as they were running towards him.

The man that had shot Sam turned towards the two men running in his direction. He pointed his gun at them. Bobby pulled out his gun and immediately shot the man in the shoulder to stop him from shooting at them. Bobby ran to the man, grabbed him from behind and put the tip of his gun to his temple warning him to not move or he would kill him on the spot. The man did as he was told.

Dean ran to Sam lying on the ground, he saw that he had been shot in the chest and Sam's breathing was difficult. Dean felt like his heart was being squeezed in an increasingly tightening vice at the sight of his little brother.

"No Sam," said Dean, kneeling next to him.

"L...last...r...ite..s" Sam tried to say fighting the Vetala inside him with every little bit of energy he had left.

"Shhh," Dean said to his brother, trying to figure out how he was going to get his brother out this situation alive.

The wound Sam had was right in the middle of his chest, maybe it had missed the heart and lungs, maybe he would be fine if they got him to a hospital fast enough, Dean thought. Dean had already pulled out his cell phone dialing the 9-1-1 number when he heard the man that shot him talk.

"Here's that last rites thing again, he killed my brother, hurt his wife, killed others and he demands to have his last rites?!" the man said incredulously, trying to move out Bobby's grasp. Bobby turned around and hit the man hard with his gun, letting him fall down to the ground unconscious and started running towards his car, got in and drove off.

"Bobby?!" Dean said, shocked that Bobby had run away like that with no explanation.

"Yes... we need an ambulance right away..... my brother's been shot, it's bad.... at the cemetery. Please hurry!" Dean said to the dispatcher of the emergency service when his call was answered.

"Ha ha, Bobby couldn't handle it anymore... he, he just left, he..." the Vetala said laughing.

Dean looked at Sam and placed his hand on his chest applying pressure to the wound to stop the hemorrhaging.

"This really hurts."

"Ok game over, you son of a bitch, you have to help Sam, you have to stop this," said Dean almost pleading to the thing still inside his brother.

"Ha... Sam knows what he has to do to get rid of me, it's the only way I'm going anywhere."

The Vetala was feeling the pain and was getting a little weak from it but he was still set on playing his sick game.

"You're just going to let him die? Do you really think that his powers are going to work for you if he's dead?" Dean said, hoping it would convince the Vetala to leave or at least do something to make sure Sam didn't die.

"You have a point, but I can't do anything to help Sam, only when he's dead can I stop the process of decay," the Vetala paused, having trouble talking and breathing. "But now I can't do anything. You better pray that help arrives fast, there isn't much time left for your brother and I won't leave unless, Sam does what I've been wanting him to do since the beginning," the Vetala said as it made Sam grab his gun that had fallen on the ground right next to him and raised it, pointing it at Dean.

"Damn, you just don't let go, now do you? Why do you want me dead so badly?" Dean asked looking at Sam's gun pointing at his own chest.

"Come on Sam, just do it, shoot Dean, kill him, and I'll leave you all alone, I don't really need your powers, especially if it means having to be in your company all the time, you're a real pain in the ass, I couldn't stand having your too good, too caring attitude get in my way all the time." the Vetala said to Sam in his mind so Dean wouldn't hear it.

Sam's hand was shaking, he was trying desperately to move the gun away from Dean, to fight the Vetala. He wouldn't kill his brother, he knew the answer, he knew how to get rid of it, to kill this thing for good but he was loosing his strength. The taste of blood was filling his mouth and the pain was becoming unbearable with every breath. He hoped that Bobby would understand, that he would be able to do what had to be done but he had left. All he had to do now was to stay alive and make sure the Vetala wouldn't loose his patience and shoot Dean himself instead of letting him choose to do it.


Bobby's mind was racing as he was running from his car to his house, if giving the last rites was what he needed, then the last rites he would get. As he was searching though the mess of books in his house, he couldn't help but wonder how giving the last rites would help, they were usually given to the dying and that thing was already dead.

"Of course!" Bobby said as he was finally understanding what Sam meant by "last rites", it all made sense now. Vetalas weren't demons so exorcisms wouldn't work, they were spirits that needed to be put to rest. He had to give it it's last funeral rites send him off to the after life, put him to rest once and for all.

Bobby had found what he was looking for and drove as fast as he could to get back to the cemetery, he knew what needed to be done now and he was hoping he wouldn't be too late.

Dean was knelt next to Sam while he applied pressure to the gun shot wound even though the gun was still pointed at him. He was worried that help wouldn't arrive fast enough and that Sam wouldn't make it. Sam was having more and more trouble breathing and every time he tried to speak, he would cough up blood.

"Shoot him Sam and I'll leave you."

"No." Sam told the Vetala again, he was using every ounce of strength he had in him to stop the Vetala from making him pull the trigger. Sam would not prove the Vetala right, he would not kill his brother even if it killed him, he would never let that happen.

Dean was seeing all the blood Sam was loosing and he hated the feeling of powerlessness that overcame him. He wouldn't let his brother die. He would prove that Vetala wrong. His "You won't be able to save him," prediction would not come true. Dean lifted his eyes to the sky as rain started to fall.

"Oh God! Please, this can't be happening, Sam doesn't deserve this and now... Rain?!" Dean said, actually finding himself praying for some kind miracle as the rain was starting to fall down hard on them.

"Well, I'm not God, but I have the solution." Bobby said from behind Dean.

Dean jumped as he looked around and into Bobby's face.

"Where did you go?" Dean asked Bobby with a slight smile of relief.

"Had to get something." Bobby said as he opened a book and held up a consecrated rosary.

"Time to get rid of that damn thing once and for all. Sam, you hear me son? Hang in there okay?" Bobby said with an assurance that he hadn't shown in the last few days.

"No!" the Vetala said. It knew what Bobby was about to do and he tried to leave Sam's body.

The Vetala, was unable to leave. Sam was making sure that it wouldn't get away. Sam gave Bobby a nod and was able to throw away the gun he was pointing at his big brother. Seeing that Bobby had come back, that he had understood what needed to be done, had given him new strength. Even if he wasn't going to make it, he was going to make sure that Dean and Bobby were safe and that this Vetala would never hurt anyone again.

"æternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Te decet hymnus Deus, in Sion, et tibi reddetur votum in Ierusalem. Exaudi orationem meam; ad te omnis caro veniet. Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis." Bobby began reading.

"Kyrie eleison; Christe eleison; Kyrie eleison. Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine; In memoria æterna erit justus, ab auditione mala non timebit. Absolve, Domine, animas omnium fidelium defunctorum ab omno vinculo delictorum et gratia tua illis succurente mereantur evadere iudicium ultionis, et lucis æterne beatitudine perfrui. Dies iræ, dies illa. Solvet sæclum in favilla, teste David cum Sibylla..."

"No, you can't do this, No!" the Vetala screamed. It was still unable to leave, Sam was too strong.

"It's over, you lose, you son of a bitch! Keep going Bobby." Dean said.

Sam's body was reacting to the Vetala trying to escape. He was shaking violently, starting to gasp for air as blood filled his throat and he started to have convulsions. Dean was holding his brother, trying to keep him still, scared that this was the end as Bobby continued on.

"Domine, Jesu Christe, Rex gloriæ, libera animas omnium fidelium defunctorum de pœnis inferni et de profundo lacu. Libera eas de ore leonis, ne absorbeat eas tartarus, ne cadant in obscurum; sed signifer sanctus Michæl repræsentet eas in lucem sanctam, quam olim Abrahæ promisisti et semini ejus. Hostias et preces tibi, Domine, laudis offerimus; tu suscipe pro animabus illis, quarum hodie memoriam facimus. Fac eas, Domine, de morte transire ad vitam. Quam olim Abrahæ promisisti et semini ejus."

"Arrrrrrgggg!" the Vetala screamed.

Suddenly, a strange white glow began to surround Sam.

"Lux æterna luceat eis, Domine, cum sanctis tuis in æternum, quia pius es. Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine; et lux perpetua luceat eis. Amen." Bobby finished.

Sam stopped shaking, all his muscles becoming rigid as he arched his back then threw his head back. The glow around him was blindingly bright. Dean and Bobby both shielded their eyes. There was a loud scream before everything went still. The rain stopped as Sam lie motionless. The Vetala was gone.

"Sam? Don't die! Help is on the way, don't give up man, don't leave me." Dean said as tears filled his eyes and rolled down his cheeks.

The sound of sirens was music to Dean's ears, he was ready for them to take Sam to make him better. He stepped back as the paramedics took care of Sam, they worked as fast and they could to get Sam some oxygen and stop the bleeding so they could be on there way to the the hospital.


A while later, Bobby and Dean sat in the waiting room next to where Sam had been taken to surgery. They sat in silence, while they hoped and prayed that Sam would make it. They were also thinking back on what had happened in the last few days. Bobby felt guilty about what happened with his wife and the words of the Vetala lingered in his mind. "It's your fault she died, she will never forgive you." He tried to push the thought away, telling himself that no matter what, he had done the best he could have based on hid knowledge at the time. Dean tapped his foot on the floor nervously. It had been over three hours already and he still didn't know if his brother was alright, if he was going to live. The waiting was driving him crazy. He tried to calm himself down inwardly as he focused on a thought, no news is good news so his brother had to be alive.

The surgeon came through the doors at last. Dean and Bobby stood up and waited to hear what the surgeon had to say. They were listening and nodding to the surgeon and they both sat back down once the surgeon left, letting out a huge sigh of relief. Sam was going to be alright, he had lost a lot of blood but the bullet hadn't done too much damage.


A week later
Sam was recovering nicely from surgery at Bobby's. Dean had stayed by his side at the hospital as much as the nurses and doctors would allow him to. Sam was grateful to have is brother looking after him. Maybe he was a pain in the ass at times but he wouldn't change him for the world. It was early in the morning, the sun was shining through the window and Sam was staring at Dean as he slept in the chair next to his bed. He thought how he would never be able to thank him enough for everything he had done for him. Dean had taken care of him, looked after him and taught him so much all of his life, he had sacrificed so much for him and he loved him unconditionally no matter what crap life threw at them. Saying thank you and I love you a million times would never be enough to show Dean how much he meant to Sam.

"Quit staring at me like that." Dean said as he opened one eye.

Sam simply grinned at his brother knowing it would annoy him if he just kept staring.

Bobby finally had begun to have regular dreams again, his wife had even appeared to him.

"I do forgive you Bobby. I understand. I want you to keep fighting because what you're doing is important. I love you!" she had said to Bobby in his dream, smiling tenderly.

Bobby, woke up that morning feeling like he was alive again. All the pain and the guilt he had felt because of the Vetala had lifted. He actually found himself smiling and singing as he took his shower. She had forgiven him.

The End.

I want to say a huuuuge Thank You to Rene for being such a good friend and for being my beta on this. Love You!! <3


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