Jun 24, 2010 08:02
I just read a post on the LJ pregnancy group that made my eyes cross. A woman's water broke this morning; she has an appointment at 1 already to discuss induction (she's at 41 weeks) and is having decent but relatively mellow contractions 10 minutes apart. But she's going to the hospital now.
This is the absolute best advice I can give to those of you who are ever planning to get pregnant: You will be super excited and eager to have your baby and want to go to the hospital the second you think you might be in labor. Don't do it! There is absolutely no rush, despite what you see in the movies, even if your water has broken. If you are not yet in excruciating pain, lie down. Relax as much as possible. Rest.
Because you will pretty much never get to rest again.
That is meant as absolutely no offense to the woman in question. I understand 100% the impulse to go to the hospital. Hell, I did it even though I was planning for natural labor and knew that going to the hospital would minimize the chances of that and that I should labor at home as long as possible. I knew, I KNEW. But there's something enticing about the hospital, like going there will make your baby magically come out faster (it won't) and you have been pregnant for SO LONG and you want so badly to meet this little person you've been cooking all this time. But, look. It's pretty much impossible to conceptualize until you've given birth, but for serious -- you are about to run a marathon while having your insides explode, and then IMMEDIATELY following that you expected to start parenting. And then you are a parent forever, nonstop. So LIE. THE FUCK. DOWN.