I watched (most of)
Were the World Mine with Ray tonight. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who likes it, which is understandable because the bad acting and overall flamboyance of the whole thing can be difficult to get past. At any rate, I think watching it was a good choice after all, because it gave me insight into my current situation.
The movie is based on the Shakespearean play, A Midsummer Night's Dream. I'm not gonna write an essay and explain it, but the moral of the story is that you can't make the object of your affection love you against their will, and even if you could, such an action would surely lead to far more sorrow and strife than would simple acceptance and good will. It reminds us that love is not selfish, and if it's not meant to be, then it should never come to pass. Most importantly, it stresses the necessity of temperance in all things, and that our actions and selfish deeds have the capacity to ruin us, and more obviously, the people we love.
I'm the sort of person that lives life from mood swing to mood swing. Most of the time I hate it, but despite much strain, I've embraced the fact that it's something I can't help. At this junction, I'm at peace with my situation, and really grateful and honored for how things have worked out. Friendship is a gift, and something that no one is fit to take for granted; especially not me.
I'm in love with him, but I know myself, and I know what to do. He says I'm the first best friend he's ever had, and that makes me feel something greater than any false romance ever could.
"With all good will, with all my heart, all things shall be peace." <3
You guys, I almost forgot... I'm moving in a week :]! Parker and I have smoothed things out and I think we have a great future ahead of us as friends. Regardless, I'm still totally psyched and ready for a change of scenery.
On that note, interview @ James Joseph on Tuesday! Wish me luck!