Stealth misogyny!

Apr 23, 2011 11:02

Who else thinks this is gross as fuck? "A woman brought you into this world, so you have no right to disrespect one."

1. I (speaking as my biological sex rite heer, rather than my gender) do not ever need to provide a reason to justify why I should be treated like a person. It should be enough that I am a person.
2. Even if I did, this one is icky. "Respect women because they can give birth to men."
3. So, what about women who choose not to or can't have kids?
4. You don't need to be a person to give birth. By which I mean, we don't have machines that can do the entire gestation for us yet, but you can have a woman on life support, someone who is essentially brain-dead and more an incubator than anything else.
5. If someone is going to "respect" me solely because of a way I can be useful to them, which does not even take my personhood into consideration, I would rather they be openly hostile so I know to never, ever associate with them. That's not respect.

The sad part is this came from what I assume is a pro-woman twitter account (TheFemaleTruth).

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment there instead because LJ is a poo.

motherfucking twitter, motherfucking other shit

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