I am tired and on edge and fraught. I don't know whether it's worse to assume it's all over and then be surprised again next time there's a tremor or to assume it's not over and be constantly expecting it and getting paranoid over cars going past and people walking heavily upstairs.
The #eqnz hash on twitter is... I'm not sure whether it's oddly calming or something else, actually, but I have it open in TweetDeck and the window dragged open wider so I can see that and my normal feed at the same time. It's been entertaining sometimes, not so much other times.
Also, I never get to meet anyone awesome from fandom, and I could, but meeting people is scary. (And, lol, I have no idea what like cafes etc are open or will stay open or etc if I went for that. It's a valid problem. The pet store where I get litter is closed again and the roof may have collapsed so uh I guess I'll flail desperately at the local store when I buy more pellets. Cat litter isn't enough, it clumps which is really dangerous if bunnies swallow it and even if it's under a grate and they can't reach it I'm paranoid.) (Bunnies are fine btw. And cuddly. And Holly is still a doofus especially at dinner time - he was standing over the water bowl so I started filling it at the edge, so he moved.... and stood in the bowl. *facepalm*)
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