(no subject)

Apr 12, 2008 20:38

Title: The suite (chapter 6/11)
Author: Las
Pairings: Jonne/Kristian, Jonne/?
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jonne pays a lonely visit to a hotel in a fairytale setting - Kristian the bored hotel employee finds himself intruiged.
Warnings: Very much AU, explicit het, explicit slash, voyeurism.... and cuteness. :P
Betas: inside_the_veil. Kiitos love! <3

This gorgeous banner was made by ivysoul, and laurymdragon helped me with the finishing touch. You rock! <33

Author's notes: Sorry that it took so long... wasn't in the mood for updating or something. But here it is. :)


Chapter 6

After sleeping soundly the whole night, deeply snuggled into his extra set of pillows, Jonne woke up early and to a gloomy day. The sun never spent a lot of time warming Finland in the middle of winter, but the overcast sky promised a dark day altogether. Jonne lingered in bed, stubbornly keeping his eyes closed, until his full bladder forced him to get up. He relieved himself, and after a look out of the window he was tempted to fall right back between the covers again. Instead, he decided to get dressed and go to the dining room to have breakfast. His stomach had been grumbling for about an hour now.

Still feeling sleepy from spending too much time in bed, and rather stiff from the time spent on horseback the previous day, Jonne made his way downstairs. What am I going to do today? His heart didn’t really skip a beat going to visit the fortress with this weather. He had little choice though, he figured, and after all he only had one more day to spend on his own.

“Morning,” a familiar voice woke him from his drowsy thoughts as he passed through the hall.

“Morning,” Jonne smiled. Kristian. He slowed down his step a bit, lingering for a moment just to have someone to talk to. “What a dark day.”

“It is,” the other man agreed. “The weather forecast promised snow, later today.”

“Hmmm,” Jonne replied. He didn’t pay attention to weather forecasts a lot. He liked to be surprised. He looked at Kristian, studying him, out of habit more than anything else. “Well... I’m gonna have breakfast.”

Kristian eyed him for a moment in return, then smiled politely and nodded. “Okay. Did you enjoy your trip to the ranch yesterday?”

“Yeah. Yeah it was nice. That was a good idea... Lauri had.”

Kristian’s lips turned into a tiny smile, his eyes betraying a hint of mockery. “Oh yes, he has those every now and then.”

“He does,” Jonne replied seriously, then suddenly smirked at the other man. “You’re mean.”

“I-” Kristian eyed him again, looking an amused sort of caught. “I love him, really,” he shrugged.

Jonne gave a little giggle. “I guessed.” He paused a second, unsure what to say. “Well. I guess uhm... I’ll see you later. I’m hungry.”

“Alright. Enjoy your meal.”

Kristian actually seemed to mean it, and when Jonne continued his way to the dining room he felt some of his gloomy mood had lifted. The breakfast in the hotel consisted of croissants and rolls with jam and butter, a cooked egg, and some Swedish crackers. People often wondered how that much food fitted into a lithe boy like him. Truth was, Jonne only ate when he really felt like it, and at home he often forgot regular meals amidst his activities. Presently, he spent his time studying the other people in the room while he ate - where most people had company, or at least a newspaper to entertain themselves, Jonne liked watching strangers.

A lone girl stared back at him and Jonne couldn’t help but smile at her. His mind was drawn towards the previous night, the unexpected ‘surprise’ from his lover. He’d enjoyed himself but it made him long even more for his lover’s warm body next to his own at night. He looked away from the girl again, half pondering on going over to talk to her, ask if she was waiting for someone too, but decided against it. Girls all too quickly considered it flirting. He was in no mood for flirting.

When he’d finished his breakfast off with another cup of coffee, he got up and went up to his suite again, quickly packing a small backpack for his walk to the fortress. This was about as light as it was going to get.


The trip to the fortress had been a cold one and a dark one, but Jonne couldn't say he hadn't been intrigued. The fortress wasn't very big, but during the one hour tour through the chilly corridors and chambers, a variety of secret passages had been pointed out to the curious tourists. Apparently the suspicious land lord had had a particular interest in spying on both his personnel and his guests, never trusting a living soul. His suspicious nature signed his fate: his wife discovered the secret corridor that led to the lord's bedroom, caught him in bed with his chambermaid, and poisoned his drink not three hours later.

Jonne had withdrawn into his own little world amidst the group of at least 25 people, paying attention only to the deep voice of the man telling the tales of the fortress, his eyes taking in the walls now mostly stripped bare of decoration. The fortress had been empty for a long time, as rumor had it that the land lord's ghost still haunted the building, spying on everyone that dared set foot inside, ready to take his revenge on the world that had been as dangerous as he'd always feared. But, so the tourist guide explained, it was quite possible those rumors came forth from someone who had lived in the fortress and kept strangers out by scaring them from the secret passages.

Jonne considered staying in the fortress' popular cafe for a drink afterwards, but decided that on his own, it was not worth it. He might as well order something back at the hotel, where it was less crowded.

When Jonne walked back to the hotel, snowflakes drifted down from the dark clouds, and his hands were positively freezing inside his gloves. He couldn't wait to go inside again and warm up.

Kristian was helping guests when Jonne entered the warm hall, but instead of hurrying onto his suite, he was once more tempted to linger. As soon as the two elderly men that had been checking in made their way towards the elevator, Kristian turned to Jonne with a warm smile. "Afternoon, Jonne. Back already?"

"Yeah... it was too crowded for my taste," Jonne explained. "It was really interesting though." He looked around for any other people in the hall, and when reassured himself there were none, he wandered towards Kristian's desk. "Have you really never been there?" He threw the receptionist a curious glance.

"Sure I have," Kristian replied. "I need to be able to inform the guests, right? Lauri's just..." He glanced around as well, lowering his voice. "...bullshitting."

Jonne gave him a sceptical little smirk, not quite sure whether it was Lauri or Kristian that was trying to pull his leg. "Right..." Their gazes locked, and Kristian's eyes stared back at him, not looking away like most people did after a few seconds, and Jonne knew, just knew, that there was something the other man wasn't saying. Jonne lowered his eyes a moment. "So... you and Lauri are good friends?" he attempted to continue the conversation.

"It is more of an unfortunate accident we keep ending up in the same places," Kristian replied, a hint of drama in the sigh that followed. "We did primary school together and ever since... he just wouldn't leave me alone anymore."

"Sweet," Jonne chuckled.

"That's one way of putting it." Rumbling through some papers on his desk, he glanced up at Jonne again. "So why're you here all alone?"

"Oh, I..." Jonne got one of his hands out of his pockets and put a fist against his mouth to warm it. Truth was, he needed a moment to figure out what he was going to tell Kristian. "My partner was going to join me here, but... work got in the way."

Kristrian raised an eyebrow. "Oh, shit. When will this... person, be arriving then? Or are you gonna spend your whole holidays alone?"

"No no, he's..." Jonne cut off his sentence abruptly and bit his lip, feeling his cheeks heat up.

"Hmmmm?" Kristian mumbled, still ruffling with his papers. "He's...?"

"He's arriving tomorrow afternoon," Jonne replied softly.

When Kristian's eyes met his again, Jonne spotted a warm sparkle in them. "Don't worry, I'm into guys too."

Jonne's lips parted in an understanding 'oh'. Kristian grinned at him and Jonne grinned back, the momentary tension leaving his body in a relieved sigh. "I'm sorry, it's just that... I don't know. I prefer to... avoid the topic. I don't like explaining myself."

"That was a lousy job though, you should practice more."

"Yeah I know..."

"And anyway, he's arriving tomorrow so..."


"Besides..." Kristian eyed Jonne sceptically. "I'm sorry to break the news to you, but you look rather..." He motioned his hands towards Jonne's feminine form.

"Yeah, okay, you made your point," Jonne cut him off with a roll of his eyes. He didn't know whether to be amused or offended. “Next time I’ll just ignore the question altogether.”

“I’m just teasing you, I’m sorry," Kristian offered.

Jonne shook his head, snorting. "You're horrible. I pity Lauri."

“Hey, it’s not my fault. Long days at work make me a little... bored?” he tried.

“Hmmm, I can imagine that. How long have you been working here?”

“About four years.” Their conversation was interrupted by a company of at least seven people stamping the snow off their boots as they entered the lobby. Kristian growled. “Foreigners. Look, I gotta help these people, but... if you want, come sit here in the lobby? We can talk when there’s nothing to do for me.”

Jonne couldn’t really deny the pleading look the other sent in his direction. “I... okay. I’ll be right back.” It was a bit of an odd thing to do, Jonne thought as he let the elevator take him up to the suite, where he quickly changed into something more comfortable. But Kristian still intrigued him, if anything, and it would surely make his day more interesting than if he sat somewhere totally alone. He grabbed the romance novel he was reading off his nightstand, and went back down to the entrance hall. Kristian was still busy, so Jonne slid onto one of the couches, still feeling slightly awkward as he removed his shoes so he could sit more comfortably. Soon enough though, he managed to shut the other people in the hall out while he focused on his book. He'd read 'Gone with the wind' countless times but he still enjoyed it, because the heavy drama always drew him along.


"Huh?" Jonne startled a bit. The lobby had gone empty again, and Kristian grinned at him from behind the counter.

"Good book, is it?"

Jonne blushed a tiny bit. "Uh. Yeah sort of."

"Want a drink? They serve a really good hot chocolate with rum here."

Jonne eyed the other man, but Kristian was still grinning at him in a friendly if amused way. He shrugged. "I... yeah. Sounds lovely?"

"I'll be right back then."

As if it was the most normal thing in the world, Kristian disappeared, leaving the hall empty when the next enthusiastic hotel guests made their way out of the elevator. He returned a few moments later with a steaming mug of hot chocolate. Jonne smiled at him. "Thanks. Really."

"No problem. Enjoy. Oh and... Nakki says hi."

"...Nakki?" Jonne threw him a confused look.

"Nakki. That's how we call our chef cook."

"Right." Jonne snickered softly, not sure if Kristian was really serious, but the receptionist had already hurried back to his counter. Jonne focused his attention back on his book, only looking up every now and then as he sipped his cocoa, but the other man was busy most of the time. The only topic of conversation that passed by was why the hotel's chef cook was called Nakki, and why he was saying hi to Jonne, but other than that Jonne had to retain his curiosity. By the time the receptionist's shift ended, Jonne had curled up on the couch as comfortably as if he was home. He was feeling all fuzzy - the fire warmed him from the outside, while the alcohol had warmed him inside. Kristian walked over from the counter and released a deep sigh as he leant over the arm of the couch, peeking into Jonne's book. "I'm supposed to have dinner with the staff. I'll... see you later I guess."

Jonne smiled over his shoulder. "Yeah, I guess." He hesitated. "Bye then."

Not five minutes after Kristian had left, Jonne's phone vibrated in his pocket, and the young man disappeared upstairs to have his daily talk with his lover.


negative rps, the suite, fiction

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