(no subject)

Apr 05, 2008 21:10

Title: The suite (chapter 5/11)
Author: Las
Pairings: Jonne/Kristian, Jonne/?
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jonne pays a lonely visit to a hotel in a fairytale setting - Kristian the bored hotel employee finds himself intruiged.
Warnings: Very much AU, explicit het, explicit slash, voyeurism.... and cuteness. :P
Betas: inside_the_veil. Kiitos love! <3

This gorgeous banner was made by ivysoul, and laurymdragon helped me with the finishing touch. You rock! <33

Author's notes: Who says chapters need a point? They don't. Honestly. :P


Chapter 5

It was a girl. Of all the people Jonne could imagine more or less accidently walking into his bathroom - a cleaning lady or another hotel employee, a robber, or perhaps even his own lover - this was the last thing he expected. His mind turned remarkably empty for a few seconds as his eyes flicked from her face down over her body, taking in the tiny dress and the heels, before looking back up at her eyes again. “Wha- what are you doing here?”

She smiled. It was a practiced, patient smile, but not enough so to be insulting. “I’m going to spoil you for a bit,” was her soft reply.

“Right,” he replied as she pulled the pink dress over her head. That was quite obviously the reason why she was here. His eyes were instantly attracted to the small patch of dark hair between her legs when he found she was naked underneath the garment, and he quickly looked up to her face again, blushing slightly. His voice didn’t waver though. “I didn’t send for you.”

“Someone wanted to surprise you,” she smiled again, gracefully bending down to undo the fastenings of the her heels, and stepping out of them. Stark naked now, she moved in his direction like a cat slowly closing in on a prey she knew was already prepared for her.

Jonne sighed as he saw her coming. When would it reach his lover’s mind that he didn’t really need entertainment like this? Sweet a ‘surprise’ as it was.

Too late now though. His cock was already jumping up in anticipation, and even as he looked up at the girl as she stepped into the bath, his expression betraying his inner sigh, his hands were already steadying her as she lowered herself into his lap. She refused to meet his eyes. He tilted his head obediently when she leaned forward to press her lips into his neck, very gently grinding against his hardening manhood.

Jonne sucked in a sharp breath, letting his hands wander down her back and then up her sides again. Her skin was soft and he enjoyed feeling the feminine curves of her body, the dimples on her lower back. It’s what he thought sexy on himself as well as on others. He cupped her breasts, fitting perfectly into the palms of his hands, gently rolling one of her nipples between his fingers. She moaned softly into his neck. It was fake.

Oh well. It always was in such cases, wasn’t it?

She rested her hands lightly on his arms as she pushed her bosom into his hands with each grind of her slender hips. Then he felt her hand wrap around his cock under water, softly, gently stroking him to work him up further.

He had no idea where the condom came from, but she suddenly plucked it off of the side of the bath, and rolled it on him under water with practised ease.

It was only now that she looked at him again, her eyes a deep brown betraying nothing. When Jonne’s eyes lingered longer than expected, she looked away - down between her legs, as if she needed to see what she was doing when she slowly pushed herself onto him. She moaned again.

Jonne’s hands gripped her hips out of their own accord, stopping her once her body had settled fully around him. He could feel his cock throbbing inside of her. She rocked her hips on him only a tiny bit, until Jonne had taken a deep breath to steady himself. His grip loosened some and she started riding him, uttering small, high moans, while his hands forced her into a slow rhythm. The water sloshed around them.

There is something totally dissatisfying about having sex with someone not enjoying it, Jonne thought. She nearly stopped moving altogether when his fingers slipped down between her legs, flicking over her clit. She gasped softly, then quickly got herself together and lifted himself off of him again, to sink down once more. She eyed him, as unreadable as before, but he could feel her clench as he fingered her and her moans developed a little edge to it.

Jonne smiled a crooked little smile, and finally he read a hint of skeptical curiosity in her gaze. She leaned in a tiny bit, and he took the invitation offered, sliding his lips over hers and he let his tongue slip out. He could feel her warm breath spilling over his lips, and a moment later the girl’s tongue had tangled with his. She’d had a drink - he tasted it on her lips, even if his mind couldn’t place the taste exactly.

For a while they moved together, kissing or mouths simply hovering over each other, the bath water making small waves around them so their soft moans mingled with the sploshing water. He was still rubbing her under water, keeping a steady rhythm now, and when she uttered a breathless, “fuck...”, he could only agree.

Her rhythm sped up, the water splattering around them, and she came, giving a small whimper into his mouth. He waited until her body stopped shuddering, and she’d gathered enough wits to keep moving - but he suddenly pushed her back, lifting himself up to lay her back against the other side of the bath. He read the surprise on her face when he pushed inside of her again. He grinned. The water splashed over the edge of the bath with the first thrust, and he changed his mind, hoisting her up further and she took the hint, crawling half onto the counter right behind the bath, that held the sink. Once more, he claimed her body, and her leg was on its way to his shoulder when he heard a voice.

At least he thought it had been. A moan? Too muffled to be inside the room, but too clear to have passed through the thick stone walls of the castle...? Jonne halted, tilting his head as he listened, but there was nothing anymore and - here he was, fucking a girl, he’d probably imagined it, too long without sex and his mind was playing tricks... He got himself off with a few needy thrusts inside her willing body, biting back loud moans to utter no more than a few muffled cries.

Fucking hell.

His orgasm was still tingling in his body, making his legs slightly shaky as he let himself slip back into the cooling water, giving a last caress over her leg. His hands were still shaking slightly when he removed his condom and deposited it on the edge of the tub.

She let herself slip off the counter too, hesitating a moment. Jonne merely looked at her, still feeling a little high, wondering if his cheeks were as rosy as hers, and how fast she was going to get out of there. She returned his look in the same way - satisfied but not willing to make a big deal out of it.

“Thanks,” Jonne said.

“Anytime,” she replied, stepping out of the bath to grab a towel.

That was a deadpan answer, considering it was ‘anytime, as long as I get paid’, Jonne thought to himself sceptically. He smirked at her when she next turned around, and she raised her eyebrows, bending down to pick up her dress of off the floor to let it slip back over her head. She grabbed the heels with one hand.

After she’d left the bathroom, Jonne got out of the nearly cold bath as well and pulled the plug. He moved to the door opening to watch her dress - the rest of her clothes had been neatly deposited on his bed.

He lifted his hand in greeting and they exchanged a short ‘bye’ and a smile as she left.


negative rps, the suite, fiction

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