(no subject)

May 01, 2006 10:53

Title: Strawberry flavour, chapter 12/?
Author: Las
Pairings: Jonne/Linde, Jonne/Ville, Ville/Linde
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Linde holds a secret love...
Disclaimer: This is all fantasy and I make no money from this.
Beta: none as of yet...

Author’s notes: Waaaaaaay overdue, I know. I’m sorry. I hope that I am still ‘in’ this story enough to finish it, otherwise this will be the next in a too long line of fics I didn’t finish. *sigh*

You can find all the previous chapters here.


There was a knock, then a smack, followed by a drawled voice. “Linde…”

Linde closed his eyes, hoping he’d heard wrong. Good grief, a drunk Jonne at my door. After coming to the quick conclusion that he couldn’t very well ignore the other man, even if he really didn’t feel like dealing with someone drunk, he got up with a sigh.

Jonne looked as if he was trying very hard to keep himself together, to act as if nothing was wrong - after a moment he gave up and found support at the door opening. His dreads looked messed up, for as far as dreads can look messed up, and his watery blue eyes were trying very hard to focus but obviously had trouble to. The singer sucked in a deep breath. “You’re already here…”

“I did, though I’m not sure I should have bothered,” Linde spoke quietly.

Jonne looked up at him, meeting his eyes almost embarrassedly. “I’m drunk as hell… I’m sorry…”

Linde’s face softened a little. “Yes, I noticed.”

They stared at each other silently. Linde wondered what Jonne was planning to do now, as he himself was pretty much at a loss. He was sorry for freaking out at Jonne earlier, but he wasn’t going to apologize to a drunk man - it would be a waste of effort. He would send the other off to bed, as he looked positively exhausted next to being drunk, but his room was occupied by his drunk band mates…

After a moment, Jonne just sighed and moved forward into Linde’s arms, leaning on him heavily, his chin resting against Linde’s shoulder. Linde’s arms closed around him slowly. They stood there for a while, a sudden peace found in their embrace that words could never had achieved. With a sigh, Linde leaned their heads together. It’s really kind of sweet he came to me. That he cares enough, even though he’s wasted.

The apology left his mouth before he could stop it. “I’m sorry for what I said earlier.”

“Hmmm?” Jonne responded. He tilted his head, his lips moving over Linde’s cheek. Linde turned his head so that their lips met lightly. The singer took this as an invitation to part his lips and wriggle his tongue against Linde’s mouth.

It was a bit of a sloppy kiss, with Jonne only half realising where he put his tongue, yet Linde was surprised at how good it felt - how his heart calmed down, how he felt things sliding back into place. At the same time he tasted the vodka and mentally shook his head. Stupid boy.

Linde leaned back a little, making Jonne utter a whiney, disappointed sound. “Do you want to stay here tonight?”

“Yeah…” was Jonne’s quiet response, his breath distinctly smelling of alcohol against Linde’s cheek.

Linde drew the other inside further, then freed himself partly from Jonne’s clinging arms to close and lock the door. “I still have to take a shower, you go ahead and climb in bed.”

“Hey… no, don’t…” Jonne protested softly. He pressed his lithe body up against Linde’s. “I’m horny.”

Linde sighed inwardly, and pushed Jonne off as well as possible. “You’re drunk. And I’m going to take a shower.”

“You’re not. I don’t feel like showering…” Jonne pressed his lips to Linde’s cheek, then rapidly moved on to his mouth, a warm tongue seeking it’s way inside.

“Jonne…” Linde tried to free himself from the grasp the other had on him, then gave up for a moment to think of the best way to get out of this situation, while an impatient had tugged on his hair so that he’d open his lips.

There wasn’t much he could do. Jonne’s hand slipped into his pants, making such delicious contact with his semi-hard member that he gasped and allowed the tongue in. He was pushed back so determinedly that he only remembered to stop when the back of his knees had already hit the back of the bed, and he was sitting, then lying, and his pants were yanked down to his ankles, quickly followed by a warm mouth around his cock. Linde hardly had the time to breathe.

Why am I letting him do this? His hips bucked up of their own accord and Linde hesitantly let his thoughts vanish in the sharp pleasure spiralling from the centre to all parts of his body.

“Don’t come,” a breathless voice told him when the sucking abruptly ended. Linde watched Jonne flick a condom out of his pocket, ripping the package quickly.

“No! Jonne, stop!” Linde lashed out at him, grabbing his wrist firmly. He wasn’t going to let Jonne fuck him this way, if that’s what the young man thought.

Jonne gave him the stare again. Wide-eyed, innocent. Slowly, the other moved Linde’s hand to his lips, caressing it softly. “Let go, love.” Jonne tugged softly, and Linde’s loosened his grip.

With one motion, Jonne’s shirt was off, with another, his pants, underwear, slippers… The condom was pressed into his hands, and Jonne crawled beside him on the bed, on his stomach. He looked over his shoulder. “Linde? Please?” His voice was soft, begging sweetly, but his eyes held a solemn expression in them.

Linde could see it then, suddenly. That if he’d back out now, Jonne would go back there.

He reached out with his hand to the warm skin on Jonne’s back, resting his palm there quietly. Jonne’s eyes fluttered shut. A bit of a bitter smile drifted over Linde’s lips, his mind mulling over the possibilities he had right now.

When he was silent for too long, Jonne whimpered again. “Linde… please.” His voice was not much more than a whisper.

Linde sighed. Fine. He’ll get what he want, but not the way he wants it.

He wanted to make love.

First, he made sure the younger man was thoroughly prepared, a new experience for him but he knew how it was done. Jonne protested, begged him, pleaded, but Linde ignored him. He was slightly nervous when he was ready to take it further.

It was incredibly much more tighter than a woman, Linde realised dazedly after he’d pushed through the first barrier. Soon though, he managed to get himself together, his hands wandering over each part of Jonne’s body, while his hips slowly rocked into him. Linde felt both shame and sadness that he was doing this, and a strange sense of wonder over something so beautiful yielding under him.

Jonne sobbed when he came, real sobs, with tears, and when Linde had spilled himself as well the younger man snuggled up beside him, burying his face into Linde’s neck. Linde stared at the singer, sadness in his heart. This was not how I wanted it to be. His fingertips caressed Jonne’s face. “The bed is all wet and sticky. You can’t fall asleep in this mess.”

Jonne blinked up at him. “Huh? Oh…” His hand moved down over the sheets, encountering the truth in Linde’s words. “We can… go back to my room,” his drowsy-drunk voice suggested.

“Your friends are there,” Linde reminded him quietly.

“They will have left.” Jonne’s voice had almost dropped to a whisper.

Linde helped him up, using a clean part of the sheets to wipe off the last of Jonne’s own come, then helped the other man into his own bathrobe. He quickly slipped into his jeans himself.

He drew Jonne close against him as they made their way through the corridor, Jonne staggering even more than when he first arrived at Linde’s door. Jonne’s room was unlocked but dark. Linde pushed the other man down upon his bed with a sigh, and Jonne dropped right down, moving to crawl under the covers.

Linde started when something suddenly moved at the other end. “What…”

“Sorry,” Larry’s hoarse voice interrupted him, but it was directed at Jonne. “Just wanted to make sure you’d be alright….”

“I am alright, Laur,” Jonne replied, sounding just as sleepy but grateful, and there also was a little wonder in his voice.

“Good. Goodnight.” Larry stepped around the bed, dark gleaming eyes locking with Linde’s for a moment, then looking away while he tried to hold himself upright as he made his way to the door.

“Goodnight…” Jonne drawled, taking Linde’s arm, trying to draw him closer and down.

Linde sighed, then looked back at where Larry stood in the door opening. “Do you have the keys to your room?”

“Of course.”

Linde’s mouth tightened at the obvious annoyance in the other’s voice. The door smacked shut.

“Linde,” Jonne begged him softly. “Hold me.”

If there was anything he hated it was going to bed all sweaty, but a sudden tiredness overwhelmed him, and Linde could only sigh. He quietly slipped in bed beside the slim form of his young lover. His arms slipped around Jonne’s waist, for which he got a soft sigh in return. “Linde…?”

“What is it?”

“I…” A soft kiss found his neck. “I kissed Lauri and Kristian today.”


“Because I…” The soft, hoarse voice trailed off. “Because… Ville didn’t like it. And then… I was drunk.”

Linde closed his eyes tiredly. “It’s alright. Go to sleep.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I know.” He sighed. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Thank you…” Jonne snuggled closer yet, his lips once again pressing a soft kiss to his skin, before drifting off to sleep. Linde did the same not long after.

him rps, fiction, strawberry flavour

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