(no subject)

Apr 25, 2006 17:41

I studied my weekly charts on last.fm - apparently my obsession with Uniklubi is in its fourth week now, and its not showing any signs of diminishing (I do have to remark that in the beginning, last.fm didn't pick on me listening UK, and the actual numbers the first weeks are much higher...). Before that it was Negative for 3 weeks, before that NIN for two weeks, and before that HIM, though they are present in most weeks really. But, in general, I move on so fast these days! Though on my mp3-player I pretty much listen everything mentioned here, plus 30 STM, at random at the moment.

I have GREAT new Uniklubi videos and music. I am totally in love. And guess what, their bassist was wearing a shirt with a heartagram during one of their gigs! Hee! I also have some English songs from Jussi now, which is fun. And a really cute interview. It's in Finnish, but... gah. The brother (as I tend to call Janne...) is SO cute, with his semi-long blond hair and wonderful smile - and then Jussi kisses both him and the bassist! On the cheek, but still. I love affectionate men.

Question for the fans out there: what are you fav Uniklubi songs?

I've only been listening their latest album only for a short while (I only had the first four songs of Kehaa at first, and the whole first album), but my favs right now are: RJP, Huomenna, Kiertää kehaa, Haudattu, Totuus and what I've heard from Ei Kukaan and Kaikki mitä mä annoin (I got live vids of those ♥) I really love as well. Though I do in fact have more favourites... Naïden tahtien alla (mainly because I can sing along for the most part, and it's just such a sweet song *g*), Olemme yhta, and Lupea Tuntea (I love the rhythm). And then there's Kylmää, of course. I can't very well choose, as you can tell. *lol*

Oh, and before I forget, I found this site where all the lyrics are translated. It's funny to see where I was off with my own translations, and where I was pretty much right! Though I must say that part of the appeal of this music is that you really have no idea which cliché things they are singing about. It sounds so deep if you just hear the music and the beautiful Finnish language. *g*

This post was supposed to be really short. Huh. Sorry. :P


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