(no subject)

Mar 05, 2006 21:14

Title: Strawberry flavour, chapter 6/?
Author: Las
Pairings: Jonne/Linde, Jonne/Ville, Ville/Linde
Rating: NC-17! Who would have thought?
Summary: Linde holds a secret love...

Author’s notes: I’m usually not really one to write NC-17, or at least that’s what I always claim, but it came so naturally. So… yeah. Be happy, and don’t forget to leave feedback! =P

Also, links to all the chapters have been added below *points*, and all of those chapters are now betaed by the lovely loveinaminor. Thank you! :D

Find all the other chapters here!


Linde lay quietly in Jonne’s bed and listened to his own heartbeat, staring into the dark. It wasn’t the slow and steady heartbeat of someone about to drift off into sleep, even if he’d been trying to for at least 15 minutes. Jonne’s arms were wrapped around him from behind, and the soft puff of the other’s breath made an alternately warm and cold spot in his neck. Linde shifted a little. I can’t believe I’m in bed with him. And I can’t believe I’m lying awake.

But the only reason he was lying awake was that he was quite sure that Jonne wasn’t sleeping either. After their little encounter that afternoon, Linde felt as if he knew very well what the other man desired… but he wasn’t sure if he’d want to take it further right now. He was by no means inexperienced in love, but he wasn’t one to climb into bed with someone after what felt like just meeting them. Fact was, since this probably wasn’t going to last beyond their tour - this was the chance to take.

Fact also was, Jonne wasn’t pouncing on him as he’d expected the singer would. Don’t know him as well as I think I do, apparently.

Linde sighed deeply, tried to focus once more on finding sleep and not on their oh-so-sappily intertwined fingers, resting on his stomach.

Jonne stirred behind him, sighed a little as well. “You’re not sleeping,” he whispered.

Linde squeezed the other’s hand softly in reply, figuring there was no use denying, and this would be enough of a confirmation.

Jonne clutched Linde’s hand tighter, and softly stroked it with his thumb for a while. Then the hand pulled itself loose and moved down. Linde’s breath caught in his throat when warm fingers slipped under his nightshirt and caressed the naked skin of his abdomen. The touches were soft and soothing, but they didn’t quite have the intended effect. Linde squirmed a little, unable to suppress the shudders that made their way down to his toes with each move the other man made.

Another soft sigh in his neck, and a careful kiss. The hand travelled higher, careful fingertips obviously intent on exploring each bit of his stomach, then his chest. Linde’s breaths became deeper and faster as he stared into the dark. Ahhh, why did I know this was going to happen? The vague shape of the window and the dark curtains registered vaguely in his brain as he tried to ignore the effect the touches had on him.

But by the time Jonne’s fingers moved over the guitarist’s nipples and began rubbing them softly, Linde undeniably felt his cock twitching. There was no doubt in his mind that it was Jonne’s intention exactly. His breathing sped up further, his chest rising and falling against the palm that now lay flat in the middle of his chest, and slowly began inching down.

Linde couldn’t help but arch into the touch when Jonne’s hand reached his erection. Lips pressed into his neck again firmly, happily - teeth scraped over the skin of his shoulder on the moment Jonne pulled their bodies flush, proving he wasn’t quite unsatisfied with the situation himself.

Jonne’s hard on pressed into Linde’s lower back, and Linde shuddered, realising how incredibly much he’d missed another arousing him so sweetly. An unwanted moan left his lips when Jonne’s hand slipped into his boxers. This hand - it knew way too well what it was supposed to do.

After some teasing, then firm strokes, the hand moved up over the skin of his hips to cup his buttock. Anxious anticipation pulsed through Linde’s body. Is he really going to do this? The hand removed itself, and Linde felt some reluctant disappointment. A moment later though, the warm hand found its way down quickly and a wet finger rested over his opening. Linde shivered.

Jonne’s voice was very soft against his ear. “Do you want this? I don’t want you to run from me in the morning…”

“I…” Linde breathed heavily, his muscles clenching and unclenching under Jonne’s finger. How well he has already learned to see through me, even in the dark. “I won’t run...” He was curious enough, and his head was filled with a fuzzy sort of trust.

The pushing in began, the new sensation making his muscles tighten up shortly, clenching around the intruding digit. This isn’t real… can’t be real.

“Shhh,” Jonne breathed onto his skin, and began rubbing his shoulders with his other hand. “You’re so sensitive.”

Oh, shut up.

Hands and lips kept nuzzling the back of his neck while he was fingered slowly and deeply. Linde waited half anxiously, half excitedly for the thrill he knew was to come if the other found his prostate - and it wasn’t a disappointment. He pressed his eyes shut tighter, swallowing down the sound about to escape his throat as he shook with pleasure.

Still, there was an amused snort from the man spooned behind him. “Wait a moment.” Jonne moved away, sitting up and retrieving something next to the bed.

Don’t! Linde gritted his teeth. Don’t make me realise it’s real…

The soothing kisses returned quickly, as did the fingers. They pressed into him in unison now, coated in something that felt cold against his skin. Perspiration broke out over Linde’s body.

He lifted himself to help Jonne pull his boxers down. Another pause, sounds of ripping plastic and then a small gasp from the younger man’s lips. Jonne nudged Linde’s legs apart further, settling his own thigh between them.

Linde took a deep breath. This is it…

The feeling was indescribable, stretching him wider than seemed possible, but Linde refused to let any sound give his discomfort away. He knew he could make the other stop if he wanted to, but… No. No turning back now. And the sudden thought, Ville wouldn’t. He gulped hard.

Jonne whimpered and moaned, placing two hands on Linde’s hips as he slid into him deeper.

At first it was strange and painful - then it was arousing and sweet and beautiful. Their bodies agreed to a slow rhythm that brought them both to a shuddering climax.

Afterwards, Jonne urged him to turn around and they kissed until Linde could barely keep his eyes open, and they drifted off into sleep.

him rps, negative rps, fiction, strawberry flavour

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