Sep 26, 2010 20:22
I think I have a cold. This is pretty terrible. People around me have been dying from their illnesses lately, so I promised myself that I wouldn't get sick like them. Well then. Since I was out of cold medicine, I had to go to Walgreens. On my way, I see this little white dog running around the street, barking at cars. God, I hope that dog got picked up by someone brave enough to pick him up in the middle of all that traffic. I get to Walgreens and find the medicine aisle. Of course, at that very moment the lights go out. Have you ever been in a big drug store during a black out? You can hear the electricity powering down. All the customers are guided outside and we look around to find that the entire block has lost electricity. The streetlights, the Taco Bell, err'ythang. What I found hilarious was that all fifteen or so of us got into our cars to drive down the street to get to the next Walgreens. At least that side wasn't affected by the black-out.