There's this adorable cat that always comes up to me when I pull into my parking spot, and it doesn't have a collar and I really want to steal it, but it doesn't look unhealthy or starved or anything, so it's probably got an owner. *sadface* Max needs a friend! He gets lonely without me. Truefax.
Anyway, I've been really lamesauce about posting lately. But I finished my fic for
queenbitchfest in time! I was maybe high when I wrote the ending, but so far no one has noticed. Now I just have my charity fic to finish (yes, still!) and my holiday exchange fic to write. It's so hard to write when I could be playing Puzzle Fighter, is the thing. Siiiigh.
Here's a meme, so that I'm not totally useless, and also because I know y'all want to know allll about me.
1. First Name: Andrea
2. Age: 29 (omg I'm so old :/ )
3. Location: ATX WOOOOO.
4. Occupation: web content manager/admin/bitch for the English Department at UT Austin.
5. Partner: I don't believe in partners? Um. I'm dating this guy. He's pretty awesome. I try not to think about it too much because a) dating scares me and b) I don't want to like... jinx it. The more I think about something, the more self-conscious and insecure I become about it, so it's better if I just pretend it isn't happening. Freaking out is bad. It's unpleasant. It is so not very.
6. Kids: No, thank you. Well, that's not quite true. If I were rich and could support someone other than myself and my cat, I'd be willing to adopt older kids who have no change of getting adopted. I'm not so much a baby person. Babies scare me, and also, I am never getting pregnant or birthing a baby unless very large sums of money are involved.
7. Brothers/Sisters: I have an older sister. She's almost 8 years older. She lives in Ohio, and she's a writer. Go buy her book, Butterbabe, available in the UK.
8. Pets: I have a cat. He's retarded, but adorable. And I mean actually retarded. He's his own first cousin. Or uncle, or something. His parents were siblings. He's gigantic and falls out of windows and makes babies cry with his giganticness.
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
a) Work. Work is kind of crazy and has been since September. That's the real reason I've been so lamesauce lately. I used to write at work so much, but now I have to actually work at work. Work accidentally my fandom, you guys. It is sadtimes.
b) I'm dating that guy. Which is big because it means I interact with people on a regular basis. I leave my house. That's pretty crazy for me.
c) OMG, I know nothing happens with me when I realize there's only 2 things going on with me. Sorry, I fail.
10. Parents: My dad was born in 1921. He was a Jew, he was in the Pacific Theatre during WW2, he was a tech sergeant in the Air Force. He was 25ish years older than my mom, who he met at work. After he retired from the Air Force (right before Vietnam, I believe), he got a job at the Department of Health and Human Services (welfare department) as a case worker. That's where he met my mom. My mom grew up in Toledo, went to all girls Catholic schools her whole life until college, when her parents told her she could only go if she got a degree in nursing or teaching. She did neither. She got a degree in English and history, I think, and then dated a series of inappropriate men, including a member of the Lebanese royal family, to whom she was engaged until he cheated on her. She kept the ring. It's like a 4-carat ruby. Very nice.
Then she met my dad. Another inappropriate man, because her father was VERY Catholic and the whole part where my dad was Jewish (and also older than my grandmother) did not go over that well. But my mom always gets what she wants (no, seriously), and so they got married, etc etc. My dad died when I was 16. That was really hard... it was like a year of really hard, because he was hospitalized for most of my 15th year. It's still really hard, to be honest. I have a lot of dreams about him.
My mom is great, though. She writes porn and she loves Adam Lambert and Britney Spears and House. She's a good mom.
11. Who are some of your closest friends:
llamabitchyo, and
madame_d, on LJ. In "real life" I definitely have close friends, but most of them don't really get me the way my LJ friends do. And I don't talk to them (or sometimes see them) as much as I do my LJ friends, either. I don't think I'm any of their first choices to hang out. It's definitely one of those things where I distanced myself from them because I was tired of feeling hurt that our friendships were more like one-way streets where I did all the giving. It's still like that with a lot of my RL friends. They're busy with boyfriends or girlfriends or school; they don't even think to call or email me to hang out because they haven't seen me in a few months, or whatever. I have this rejection/abandonment fear, probably because of the whole dead dad thing, and sometimes I just feel like I'm maybe too sensitive for normal human interaction. I definitely try to keep myself apart, not get too invested in people, because I'm sick of being hurt by negligence or whatever.
Um, so as not to leave this on a downer--my LJ friends are amazing and I love you all. Part of why I love fandom is the community aspect of it. I love feeling like there's a group of people out there who are excited about the same things I am, who won't mock me for loving something silly like American Idol, who are supportive of each other and who produce amazing fic and art to entertain us. I heart you all.
And that reminds me--time to go finish that post-apocalyptic future fic posted at
queenbitchfest OMGOMGOMG.