
Mar 25, 2008 11:27

First off, due to the new influx of JC IS GAY OMG rumors, I have updated my evidence post to reflect the new information, including a scan of the Globe thing and the Defamer picture that is, sadly, entirely lacking in mankini!JC.

Secondly, I wrote 8 pages of JOSHLYNN yesterday. It is SO AMAZING, you guys. I really think this is going to be almost as hilarious as the Zoo fic.

Thirdly, I watched Britney on How I Met Your Mother last night and... she was kind of awesome!! It also reminded me how much I fucking love Neal Patrick Harris. SO MUCH. Ahem, anyway.

Fourthly, I had decided that if JC comes out, he and Lance need to do a photoshoot ala Make Me A Supermodel. You guys know the one I mean. They don't even have to actually fuck. But you know, a nice, mostly-naked, kink-filled photoshoot is the LEAST they could do for us. (Seriously, how fucking hot would that be? *pants*)

Fifthly, I am now tempted to write a fic in which Lance calls JC up every time he sees a new JC IS GAY OMG rumor and says, "So, JC, is there anything you maybe want to tell me?" And then JC always comes up with something stupid and inane and gets all excited about whatever it is ("Oh man, Lance, I saw the coolest article on astroids the other day, and how this huge one smashed a car flat and the guy couldn't get his insurance to cover it because, you know, astroids aren't covered by Geiko or whatever, but there were pictures and it was so awesome!") And like, JC never gets that Lance is hinting that maybe JC should come out to him, because JC is sort of just assuming everyone knows that he'll fuck anything and it's not news or whatever. Um. Yes.

gay is happy, jc is made of failcats

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