the juppy files

Feb 26, 2008 21:08

randomling loves Justin, but she does not love R&B. I am convinced she can still enjoy Justin's solo music. Therefore, I present to you the Juppy Files. In which I explain why each Justin song is made of awesomesauce, and therefore delicious.

from Justified:

+Like I Love You: because it's got an awesome guitar riff, and the video is so awesome I've written TWO FICS about it. Really must watch the video while listening:

image Click to view

He's so pretty and earnest! There's just something about you, and he wants you to know it. Also, amazing dancing. Thirdly, fucking K-FED IN THIS VIDEO. Also:

image Click to view

MORE K-FED. Oh, and Justin. Dancing awesomely and doing his very best MJ impression, but you know, Justin is gorgeous and still has his nose on his face, where it belongs.

+Rock Your Body: Again, you need to see the video. The song itself is pretty fun, but the multiple Justins are what really makes it awesome:

image Click to view

+Take It from Here: Which I am lately obsessed with, but might be too R&B for these purposes. A nice little ballad.

(because you HAVE to love an album so ridiculously named.)

+FutureSex/LoveSound: I love this song. Definitely one of my favorites on the album. It's sort of like if you took that one AC/DC song and smashed it up with INXS's "I Need You Tonight." But also contains the line: So slide a little bit closer to me little girl /
See daddy's on a mission to please. Oh Justin. Never stop being creepy.

+SexyBack: This is a fucking weird song. And I love it. Justin recently said in an interview that he thinks of this song as like, he's David Bowie and Timbaland is David Byrne. Or possibly the other way around, although the thought of Timbaland as David Bowie is just wrong on so many levels. But the idea as an idea is pretty awesome. As is the NYTimes review of it, which delights me on ten different levels. Because Justin is actually deep, yo. (And actually, I believe that. Ha.)

+Sexy Ladies: Another song you will probably hate. It's more funk than anything else. But there are keytars! And that is what is important.

+My Love: Has an awesome syth beat thing going on. I'm not that fond of all the falsetto, but Justin wants to date you on the regular, and that's the important part.

+LoveStoned: Is sort of like a JC song, if JC sang about drugs instead of aliens. It actually starts pretty rough, the lyrics are not so great, but then you get to the 4:40 mark, and it suddenly becomes the absolute best thing that Justin has ever done. John Mayer said recently that Justin should've taken this part of the song and make it an entire album. I whole heartedly agree. It's beautiful. It's the most perfect thing I've heard in forever. Even my friend danxsunday thinks it's amazing, and he hates all pop music.

+What Goes Around: So randomling thinks this song is repetitive, which I can totally see. Except that is has my absolute favorite exitlude (or whatever Justin is calling them these days). His heart bleeded! It's at the 5:30 mark. Let him paint this picture for you, baby.

+Chop Me Up: Again, I think randomling will not enjoy this song, except that it's a crack song! Justin really wants to be a rapper, and to be fair, he is a hundred times better than Timbaland. He's got a house that can entertain all y'all.

+Damn Girl: Is She Got Me, but not about aliens, and without JC's crazy voice. But it also also the line: Don't need no L'oreal / 'Cause bitch you're bad as hell. WIN.

+Summer Love: Is an NSYNC song. Justin keeps asking what would NSYNC do and sound like if they got back together? Well, this is it. And it's awesome and gorgeous and fun. I loooooove this song. One of my favorites on the album. Really lovely harmonies, especially on the bridge. I can so hear JC singing the bridge.

+Until the End of Time: Probably too R&B. A slow jam; really lovely song. But not pop.

+Losing My Way: Justin wrote a song about crack! I shouldn't make fun of him for it because I know it comes from a good and authentic place, but it's pretty fucking funny, I'm sorry. I mean: Hey my name is Bob / and I work at my job. In Justin's little voice. HEEE.

+Another Song (All Over Again): Another one of my favorites, and the only Rick Rubin produced song that made it on the album. It's a piano ballad, and some of Justin's best lyrical work, in my opinion. Clever while keeping it simple, and a lovely melody. Kind of wish someone whose voice is more suited to ballads was singing it, but it's a song I think Justin really feels, and that goes a long way toward making it excellent. *hearts* He can write me another song any day.

download: [The Juppy Files]

music, justified

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