
Feb 26, 2008 09:21

Firstly, I've decided I need to post this picture, if only to have it for posterity, to look at when I am wondering where the fuck JC's album is and if we're ever going to hear it:

That's my happy place right now.

Found that in my photobucket. No clue where I got it, but clearly I thought it was amazing enough to upload straight into the photo album. I'm gonna pretend that's Lynn's bra. Just to make all y'all puke a little in your mouths.

Secondly, GIRLICIOUS. So, it wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be. JC looked adorable, and you can tell it was filmed last fall by what he's wearing, because he wore that sweater a LOT last fall. Also, hello, nipples! They must keep the GIRLICIOUS house quite cold. Ahem.

Anyway, yes, JC was pretty good, just gave them some advice and answered some questions and was very gracious, considering that one of the girls pretty much attacked him on sight. She was cute and totally embarassed afterward, all, "I don't know what happened, I saw him and turned into a 13-year-old!" Heee. JC didn't seem all that surprised by the attack. I bet he gets that a lot, and not even just from fans. *cough*

Additionally, one of the groups had to sing Tearin' Up My Heart. I was terrified because the other groups murdered 'Baby...One More Time' and 'Holiday.' But TUMH was actually good! They didn't do the harmonies right, but they sounded good and the dancing was okay. Apparently the guy from Geffen and Lil' Kim are the permanent GIRLICIOUS judges.

I still think all the girls are horrible.

Oh, but also! So at one point, JC is standing there looking at Robin Antin with this confused expression on his face and I have to asusme that he's thinking the same thing I am--when did it become a requirement that all Pussycat Dolls must transform themselves into trannies? Seriously, she looks like a man dressed as a woman, with tits. And so does Nicole. And then they showed the rest of the Dolls, and THEY DO TOO. It's a conspiracy. I'm pretty sure.

The best part of the episode was that after JC's visit, the girls kept repeating, "But JC told us this, and JC told us that". Awwww.


In bad news, the nerve in my back is all fucked up again and it's giving me headaches and just hurting in general. *sadface* Today, I need to figure out how to deal with the billing system here, blah. And also, I haven't spoken to my friend with whom I had the political disagreement with since it happened. I'm not sure exactly what I should do about that. On the one hand, it's stupid and immature of him to stop talking to me over that, and also says to me that when he expressed his desire to be "real" friends a few months ago, what he really meant was that he felt guilty for treating me badly when we were dating and the years following our break up, and that way he could say that he at least tried and assuage his guilt.

Whatever. It's pretty clear he doesn't value my opinion or my respect, and I honestly don't have room in my life for a friend who thinks I'm stupid.

ETA: Also, just because I am now in A Mood from thinking about these things... I just want to say that if you don't like me, in general, why would you keep my on your flist? Like, I just don't get it. There are some people who I comment to and never get replies; a few times I wouldn't notice at all, because I comment to a lot of posts in one day, but there are a few people I notice NEVER reply to my comments on their posts and never comment to MY posts, so I just have to wonder--why do you have me friended? It's not doing me any favours. If you don't like me, defriend me. I won't be offended. Some people can't appreciate my particular brand of awesome, and I get that.

personal, friday is shiny, jc is made of failcats

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