(no subject)

Sep 28, 2008 01:18

I have a boyfriend.

And I would like to, one day, let him know about my double-life. Slashy life.

I mean, I would not mind (I don't think) if he found this out on his own. But how am I supposed to be broaching the subject, if I do want to be the one who tells him?

"Hey, Boyfriend! Guess what? I am into boys doing boys? And I write about it sometimes!"

I feel as though this would be weird.

But then when I shy away from telling him, I feel like I am hiding a part of myself. Well, not "feel." I /am/ hiding a part of myself. Honestly, yes, I am afraid that he would leave if he found out. And, blahdeeblah, I shouldn't care, but I totally would be upset if he left because of this. I love slash, and I have fun writing it. So why is it hard to tell him?

I think it might be that he would probably find the idea of fanfiction strange. He writes in his free time, but he doesn't do anything like fanfiction. And then I think he would find stuff like Orlijah PWP strange. Not "gross" or whatever, just.. strange. And then he might find it gross. He was pretty homophobic until he met me, mostly because his mother is rather severely homophobic. Lucky for me, he was willing to keep his mind open, and has accepted that there are gay people and he (as far as I know) doesn't think that being gay is a choice. Yay! But he still finds it "kinda weird" to see two guys kiss. I am okay with this. I generally think it is weird to see random people making out, be they guys or girls, or a mix-and-match.

Okay, that was a lot of rambling that didn't need to be done. Basically, I am wondering which of you are openly slashy to your friends, or even strangers (I have asked this question before, but it was a long time ago). Also, those of you who had to... come out of the slash closet, I suppose... how did you do it? And was it hard, or was it just sort of an "I am tired of just not telling people so I am telling them now" kind of thing? And lastly, how would you suggest I try this with Boyfriend? I have been with him for a while now, and he does know that I am open-minded and that I think gay boys are smexy.

He was able to handle me kind of doubting my sexual preference (I have a very strange way of thinking of things, which I won't really get into now because I fear I have already bored all of you); I don't really think that this will be a big deal.

Any advice is appreciated! The fact that you clicked the cut and read all of this ramble means a lot to me already, so if you don't have advice, you may leave your cookies and porn on my doorstep and go. =P

Thanks, darlings.

P.S. - So I was looking over Love, and I feel like something... the writing style, maybe, or the general setup of it... I feel like it's really familiar, and I am worried I may have accidentally stolen it from someone..? If you feel that I stole this from you, please do send me a message or leave a comment (anonymously, if you like). I will be nice, I promise.

It could just be that I read it over way too many times when I was first writing it, though. Which I hope is the case.
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