It was a productive day

Oct 03, 2012 18:26

I am so proud of myself. We found a used electric lift recliner for mom. We looked online and the same chair brand new is around 1400.00 dollars. I paid 150.00 for it. It works great. She can get in and out of it with no problems. We also put down a down payment on a couch and loveseat that mom will be able to sit in also in the front room. We are getting that on Friday. I paid 295.00 for both pieces. I will take pictures when it gets here.

I was also able to get her in to see my Doctor tomorrow. She has a 10:00 appointment. I'm going to ask the Dr. for a prescription for a Wheelchair. Medicare should cover the cost. She only will need it for when we go places. So I will keep it in the car.

So all in all it was a productive day. I am happy with the accomplishments that we have made so far. It feels really good to be back in control again and knowing what is going on with mom and her health. I am looking forward to talking with the Dr. tomorrow.

rl, go me, mom
