More 4e musings...

Jul 01, 2008 10:09

So here's my plan, at least up until I go away on vacation...

I plan to take each race in turn, and make 3-5 characters for each race. I figure on doing at least a fighter and cleric for each race, and then mix the rest up.
With the help of a very nice Excel-based character sheet, I figure I can do two characters per day, each taking an hour (one during my lunch break, one at home before bed).
I'll start them all off at first level, then once they're all done, progress them through, say, 10th or 12th level, at least get them into the Paragon stage.

While on vacation, I'll work on an adventure series, or perhaps one huge adventure.

I'm also working on converting Rappan Athuk Reloaded into 4e.

There's also HARP to work on too...

gaming, dnd

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