Name: Anarin
What you like to be called: Anarin...or Zeteram, that's my AIM screenname and I answer to both.
Favourite character(s): York and Delta!
Favourite pairing: Anything involving the previous two, pretty much. Even off-the-wall crossover stuff like Delta/Weighted Companion Cube.
Least-favourite pairing: Freelancer-wise? Omega/Tex. Not to say that I wouldn't read it if it was well-written. (Or, y'know. Written at all.)
Just a note, I may comment around with one of my roleplay journals,
encryptedlock (York and Delta) or
alaspooryork (Delta) because those are the ones I feel like spending money on so they can have pretty icons.
...Yes, I have icons of every single pose York or Delta has ever made. :P