Obligatory introduction post ^_^

Mar 15, 2010 16:34

Name: Ramblinquixotic
What You Like To Be Called: Quix
Favorite Pairing/Character: For Freelancers? Recently, I've become sooooo in love with York/Carolina. Expect to see some art-goodness with them once I finalize her design. Also, Wyoming is growing more and more on me as I re-watch the series, simply because a smarmy British bastard of a villain is always welcome in my book. And I have my moments of Wash/Maine fangirly-ness.  
Least Favorite Pairing/Character: Wash right now isn't very high on my list, I'm hoping he'll redeem himself. And South was a grade-A bitch, so I don't like fics that are centered around her (I don't think I've even read any though) but I'll gladly read a fic that has South-bashing in it!

I'm an artist first and foremost, so much of what you'll see from me is fanart, with the occasional drabble thrown in here and there. I was an English major in college though, and am more than happy to offer my services as a beta, since I'm a stickler for grammar and have a desk job where I stare at a computer for long hours, so reading material is always appreciated. 


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