Now it's for real! The next year has to be one of the unluckiest years of my life! First I destroyed my guardian angel some days ado and now a friend of mine wised ma a "Happy Birthday" a day to early. I don't know how that is considered in other countries (apparently the Japanese think nothing of that) but in Germany it's considered as an omen of bad luck. And one of the worst! I'm not that superstitious but well I guess that is an exception. And that seems to be the case for most Germans. You really normally don't do it. Well it was simply mistake but still...
Today is a bit lonely, celebrating my birthday the first time alone so i decided to try some scanning. As you can see on the pictur above I've got some slight problems with my scanner, it seems to be a bit too small for the "Junon". If there is someone who knows how to handle that problem, please HELP!