Goals for 2014

Feb 05, 2014 23:34

previously (2013)

Of course, the year is 1/12 over. Like that. This January much like the other Januaries.

I am feeling a bit deja vu and so I am not inclined to list a bunch of things "much like last year, only a little more so".

I intend to be looking for a new job towards the end of this year or sometime next year, and I feel like (and kind of hope, with some trepidation) that could shake things up quite a lot.

I have made a couple of good starts already. I started donating $200/month to Oxfam (finally putting into actions ideas from The Life You Can Save). I got rid of a lot of accumulated old tech bits that I was never going to use again. I put a cheap side-table (that I nonetheless loved) out on the front lawn because there just is no room for it in this house. I have upgraded almost all the installs of web software I have on my various domains, and deleted a lot of abandoned experimental installs that were years old and certainly security risks.

OK on the web front I do have a few more goals.
- convert no-longer-active sites to static archives (hello wget)
- design a couple of portfolio/about me pages
- keep up with crowdfunded free software and get people telling me about new projects
- maybe redesign techiturn, oh god I don't know
- maybe figure out how to convert from textpattern to static site generator (I have this theory I can write new posts on github and that will trigger an update somewhere without me needing to run something on a commandline. not that I couldn't do that, but I really love being able to update a blog from a web interface)

OK these are more February/March goals not 2014 goals, so let's move on.

In April I am travelling to Canada for 3 weeks, for PyCon US and some extra days. Thinking about picking up a new laptop (Dell XPS13 developer editionnnnnnnnn) and speaking of big purchases, I've been thinking about getting a new commuter bike too. Drop handlebars all the time. Back to travel. I really need some Hispanic destinations on the cards. Really really really. REALLY.

OK that's all I've got. I hope we can work together, 2014. <3


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