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Benjamin is 2 weeks and 5 days old. He now sleeps for 3 hours at a time during the his own bed!! He still sleeps in our room in the Pack 'n Play next to our bed to keep him in easy reach for feeding. He spends around 4 hours awake during the day so we get to play, working on sound localization by following a rattle from left to right and back again. We haven't done any tummy time yet because his umbilical cord stump took it's sweet time falling off, and when it finally did on Friday, he got circumcised. His circumcision site is awfully irriated and bleeding, so we're heading to the doctor this afternoon to check it out. I can't wait to start tummy time because it should help with strengthing his abdominal muscles so that pooping isn't such a traumatic experience! He's a very long baby, in the 95th percentile for his age at 21.75". He weights 8lbs, 13oz, falling in the 50th percentile. He's outgrown the newborn clothes in length, but his skinny little butt is still too small for the 3 month clothes. So we live in legless onsies and gowns. I should really make some baby legwarmers to get us through in the meantime!
He's my little cutie-pie!