
Dec 01, 2006 21:52

Sorry for the short notice...
Next Friday (December 8th) at 8pm MonUCS is singing our Christmas concert. We are doing lots of contemporary Australian pieces - the composers include Stephen Leek, Peter Sculthorpe, William G James, Matthew Orlovich, Daniel Walker, Joseph Twist, Colin Brumby, and our very own Shane Davies and Trevor Jones. And yes, there will be carols at the end :o)
This is beautiful music that doesn't get performed very often in comparison to the classics. Come and treat your ears to something different.
The venue is the Church of Sts Peter & Paul, corner of Dorcas and Montague streets, South Melbourne. Should be fairly easy to get to via trams 96 and 1, and there's apparently lots of parking in the surrounding streets. Tickets are $22/$16 (conc) and available on 0404 035 739, or by contacting me sometime before Tuesday. Or rock up when doors open at 7.30pm.
Hope to see lots of you there!
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