Fic: I Won't Disagree

Feb 02, 2012 15:07

Title: I Won't Disagree
Author: grdnofevrythng
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Rachel/Santana
Prompts: This over on the Santana Lopez Meme
Summary: Who doesn't love sex in the library?
Disclaimer: I don't own them. If I did, they'd probably go at it like bunnies.
A/N: First, a special thanks to cranberry_pi for looking this over and fixing my typos. Anything I missed, I take full responsibility for. This is my first full on Pezberry fic. I've been shipping them for a while, but I haven't actually written fanfic in ages, probably over a year. I'm hoping to kind of kick start my muse again with this. I apologize for it being a little rough. Like I said, I'm way out of practice.

( Jesus Rachel, next time I’m stuffing panties into your mouth.)

rating: nc-17, length: 1000+, fic

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