fic: Never Let Go (Prologue and Chapters 1-4/??)

Jan 29, 2012 22:13

Title: Never Let Go
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine, Rachel/Santana, Kurt-Rachel (BFFs), Blaine-Santana (reluctant allies), other combinations
Warnings: Titanic AU; major character deaths, contemplation of suicide, societal homophobia, effemiphobia, m/m and f/f sex, probable historical inaccuracies
Word Count: ~9000 this chapter, ~27,800 so far

Summary: During the RMS Titanic's maiden voyage, first class passengers Kurt and Rachel encounter third class passengers Blaine and Santana in a life-altering way, and they quickly come to learn that what's expected of them is not in line with who they are.

Author’s Note:  This fic features many protagonists and points of view, focusing on Klaine, Pezberry, and the Hummelberry friendship. I made the decision to not post to this comm until there was Pezberry on the horizon, but now that it's arrived, here I am! I'm not sure if there's much overlap between fans of Klaine and Pezberry, but I hope if you're interested, you're willing to give it a shot.

Chapters: Prologue | One | Two | Three | Four | ...

rating: nc-17, fic, length: epic

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