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One True Pairing Ship: One/Cameca. I love Rose, but she can get stuffed. Cameca is the Doctor's "plus one", and I'll fight to the death anyone who says otherwise. Or just ignore them for the misguided fools they be.
Canon Ship: Ian/Barbara. They never even kissed onscreen, but theirs was a well-realized mature adult romance. No hanky-panky necessary, no hitting you over the head with how they are meant to be together for ever and ever and love puppies and kittens and lots of squeeing and suicidal fans who cry when someone disagrees with their collective awesomeness and tries to substitute someone else in the pairing, they were just...Wright for one another.
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a fork" 'Ship: Ten/Donna. I liked Sam Jones liking the Doctor. I liked Charley Pollard liking the Doctor. I liked Rose Tyler liking the Doctor. When Martha Jones came along (DISCLAIMER: Martha herself is fabulous, I love her), and she started doing the exact same thing, I begin to wonder if perhaps falling in love with the Doctor had become the new show's equivalent of the companion screaming and/or spraining their ankle. If history repeats itself and they dumb Donna down to where she's only capable of lusting after the Doctor like every other new companion that comes along these days, I will totally lose all respect for the new series. I'll still watch it, because they can still have some kick-ass thrilling adventures, but I will quite honestly die a little bit inside.
"You are one sick bastard" 'Ship: I don't think I have one of these. Nothing surprises me, and there are all kinds of kinks. Hmm...K-9/Anyone, I suppose, although if someone knows a good K-9 sex fic (or even a bad one), I could do with a laugh...
On the other hand, if I'm supposed to be the sick bastard in question...One/Dodo. Because they hugged once, and it's just funny as hell that they would wind up as a couple. Bonus squick points for those who oppose it because she kinda looks a little like Susan...
"I dabble a little" 'Ship: Adric/Nyssa. I think Adric did like her, and just didn't know how to act properly when he was around girls. On Nyssa's side, she cared for him more than she realized, and I think she misses him terribly now that he's gone, but she still doesn't realize she ever liked him in that way. One of the tragic "lost opportunities" of Who, as I believe Nyssa could have made a man out of that boy, and not just in the sexual sense.
"It's like a car crash" 'Ship: Doctor/Master...I'm not into male slash as a rule, but there's just something disturbingly amusing about these two lusting after one another. I've seen a LOLcat style conversation between Simm and Tennant (screencaps taken from The Sound of Drums) that was just frigging hilarious and awesome, and every once in awhile, I like to slow down and watch the wreckage burn...
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet" 'Ship: Doctor/Sarah Jane...okay, yes, it was never really in the original series, but I love the way Sarah Jane has become a "female Doctor" for her own show, and she does so in honor of him and because deep in her heart she still loves him more than anything in the world. This one can only get stronger for me as time goes by.
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" 'Ship: Mags/Ancelyn. In my head, there's an alternate season 26, where Mags joined at the end of last season, and Ancelyn joins in Battlefield after the death of Bambera. Ace gets killed off in Ghost Light and the presence she felt in 1983 is her own ghost. From that point on, Seven/Mags/Ancelyn are total kick-ass team. Ancelyn's faith in Merlyn is tested in Fenric, and instead of Cheetah People, the Master is stuck on the planet Vulpana. Anyways, the upshoot of all this is that Mags and Ancelyn kick ass and fall in love with one another. Ancelyn is all noble knight guy, wanting to protect Mags, who doesn't really need the help, but she does confide in him during her weaker moments and in my hed they iz perfekt for one another. *nods*
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" 'Ship: Ten/Martha. Repeat after me, RTD: NOT EVERY FRIGGING COMPANION HAS TO FALL IN LOVE WITH THE DOCTOR!!! I got no problem with them as a Doctor/companion crime-fighting duo of awesome, but I just don't see them as a couple. I don't really ship Doctor/Rose and I have nothing against interracial couples or black women (there are a lot of sexy ones out there, and Freema is one of them), I just don't think Martha and the Doctor should be a couple, because it's been done too many frigging times (more or less) in a row. Get a new trick, RTD. *sigh*
"When all is said and done" 'Ship: Doctor/Romana. They loved one another, once upon a time, in Paris. And in my personal canon, they had a baby together, though the Doctor doesn't know about their daughter because she was born in E-Space.