Gaming Review: Dead Rising 2, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Magicka 2

Jun 29, 2015 01:43

Two of these are old games and they're still sequels.

Dead Rising 2
I played through this with my gaming buddy Stan and we both kind of liked it. The arrow that tells you where to go, and the time limit, kind of put a damper on the whole thing. We often wanted to explore more of the missions, but couldn't. Other sandbox-y games, like GTA, don't do this, in general, that is, dangle content in front of you but then take it away. We did really like the absurdist weapons and psychos though. All of them were such wonderful expressions of creativity, and you could tell the developers had a really fun time with it. Finally, in traditional zombie video game fashion, I wound up reading up on the lore after we finished the game. I might play part 1 someday, but I have a solid sense of how all 3 games work as a series, and who all the characters are.

Marvel vs Capcom 3
This is a reviwew of the vanilla version of the game, not ultimate. I finished going through it with Justin Wong's team (except exchange Ryu for Akuma since Akuma is not present at the start) and it's interesting to see what type of game this is. And disclaimer: I'll always be a Third Strike fan. But I feel fighting games do not have the wide appeal as so many other games. This game gives back as much as you put in. If you want to become a competitive, tournament level fighter, this game lets you do that. If you just want to spend 30 minutes to see the ending (which is crappy, BTW) this game lets you do that too. I think if I had paid full price for this game and played it back when it was hype city, I would have been disappointed. $60 for 1 short playthrough that's kind of a middling experience at best? Not worth it. I guess I'm not in this game's target audience. But then I wonder, how many people are?

Magicka 2
I entered this game with some sort of trepidation. hearing that the reviews were mixed. Thank you, Steam reviews. You're sort of right there when I'm contemplating pressing the "Purchase" button. I'm happy to say though that the negative stuff has not in any way, shape, or form affected my enjoyment of the game so far (about 1/2 done with it). So far, I've been thoroughly enjoying it. I think a big part of it is I don't remember Magicka 1 super well, so the whole package feels fresh. I like the spell system, the world, the humor, and of course Vlad. Add to that some new characters and a surprisingly competent mid-game cut scene, and I'm a happy camper.

Overall, it's been a bit of a gaming revival in the past month or so. For a while I had gotten out of gaming, and not I'm in to it again, and I'm sure I'll get out of it when the time is right. But for now, it's been a great way to pass the time.
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