(no subject)

Jun 21, 2005 23:51

i'd like to address a recent topic thats been on the mind of astronaut jones...how its possible that every majority maintains its power by fabricating the myth that its members are persecuted. the obvious choice, which i'll focus on is our old buddies, white christians.

i've never claimed to be the foremost christian historian, so anyone out there more knowledgable than me, please answer this question. when is the last time that white christians were LEGITIMATELY persecuted anywhere but saudi arabia or the fucking sunni triangle? the truth is is that the only way to perpetually rally the troops is to project a losing fight. the religious right simply uses the mistruth that christians are persecuted to keep the poor blue collar people, who actually want to do what they believe is right and christlike, onboard for the ride. nevermind that you cant afford your kid's prescriptions, nevermind that your job at the plant just went to hell, nevermind that the only way junior is going to college is by maybe getting his head cut off in iraq, the liberals are trying to get rid of JEEESUSSS. being a white christian is like the easiest thing in the world. people need to realize that the religious right movement is pretty much the most dangerous thing to happen politically since, and yes i know how fucking played out this is, nazism. because now, instead of dirty jewish bankers poisoning the well of the perfect aryans, its sodomites and "anti americans" persecuting the poor white christians. this honestly hurts me, because i see people i really respect get caught up in this, people who are smart, honest, hard working americans economically fucking themselves because of their misled commitment to a falsified cause. to put this into perspective, every time i've taken a break from typing, i've being playing air-bass to the who "live at leeds"

astronaut jones
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