Reading The New York Times'
article on "Who is America's Next Top Model, Really?" led me to another site, Most of the photos of the female models crack me up, because I don't think of them as being "gorgeous," or even "attractive." Even without the H-factor (that's "H" for "homo"), I'm not even sure if these models are what is generally considered as empirically beautiful. The #1 model of the moment, Daria Webowy, is not really anything spectacular. In fact, when I first saw her photo, her angular face somewhat scared me. Gemma Ward has a slight Alien quality about her look that does not make a great impression. And a surprising number of these "top models" aren't very curvy. The term "voluptuous" seems to have a definition that's a world apart between the modeling world and the real world. Whatever problems the American society has with obesity, it certainly doesn't show in the comical world of Vogue and the catwalks.
Bedtime will be extra early tonight. Sleep would be splendiferous. If I had enough beauty sleep, perhaps *I* will be America's Next Top Model. Wait, that'll actually be one compelling reason to become an insomniac, judging by this season's contestants...