(Tagged by
cis, whom I cannot believe I'm finally going to be meeting up with eeee)
Slowdive - Yesterday: fave band of the mome. From my usual ass-backwards perspective it's nice to be certain that there's more to the (langourous, fuzzy, hypnotic, you name it) sound Ulrich Schnauss was aiming for with that Rachel Goswell remix. This from an album marked as "Pygmalion demos", so a rarity, but as far as I can figure half their discography consists of rarities.
Hirai Ken - World's End: album track I've had on my mp3 player for some time, and am a bit fascinated by for no good reason. Sort of slow-jam fairytale in which the narrator implores his lady love to leave him and escape before he transforms into a red-eyed monster intent on its milk-skinned prey etc. All obviously metaphorical, except maybe not, who knows?
Michael Knight - Knight Ryder (12" version): actually by DMX Krew, and boy I hope by sticking this up on the 'nets I'll find someone else who gets it, because none of my RL friends wasted their childhoods on this show and it is just. Killing me.
Nakashima Mika - Glamourous Sky: I could almost buy this if it weren't for her voice. Put your diaphragm into it, girl! You're killing me! ...Objectors to the movie do so mostly on the basis on the music as far as I can see: as my sister (who is more or rather differently indie-ist than I) put it they took what's supposed to be punk rock and made it pop rock, and took what's supposed to be (dark)pop rock and made it jpop altogether. To which my answer was well yes and you were expecting Sid and Nancy? Exaggeration obv. but movies shift toward the mainstream which in this case is a shoujo manga-reading audience of a shoujo manga canon where the mangaka is upfront about the fact that the characters' music followed on their visual designs and would occasionally fail to remember that guitarists can't have perfect long manicures, say. Like everyone else I have my own idea of what it should sound like - FST ha, still working on part II - but it would've taken some sort of utter maverick at the helm (by Japanese standards; I suppose I'm thinking Wim Wenders, Michael Winterbottom et al, and while Japan births far insaner directors I can't think of one in that vein) to make the final product's vision converge with mine. Does anyone in Japan even understand punk the way it's understood in the West? (Setting aside differing Western signifiers and interpretations of the ideal.) That's a whole other issue beyond my grasp. If they do it doesn't much show in the charting acts, and the canon isn't quite it, either. The Blast boys and girl live punk lives, but not a second of that is about handing it to the Man, positively or negatively; they just want to make it big, because the other options don't look so good.
Apart from all of the above including the voice issue, the song really isn't half bad. It does its thing. And there's a bit, 2:45 where she sings "Sunday, Monday...", that's better than just doing its thing. Nagai no everyday. The progression is like something out of a MAX song, but I like MAX too.
Pet Shop Boys - A Red Letter Day: the BL fan's obvious crack at every other Pet Shop Boys song ever, i.e. "I think I've read a scanlation of this". Other than that I was at an afterhours club Friday night or more precisely Saturday morning with a motley crew of Andrew's friends some of whom I actually have met before, dancing for six hours straight; a session from which I can post no excerpts as I have no idea what was played other than it was nearly all deep house. But afterward I listened to this walking to Berri-UQAM metro at 9AM on a sunny-cool morning, not feeling tired or sleepy yet, and sure enough it sounded good.
Tagging: gah who hasn't done this one recently?
mitethe. I swear this is not just a cunning plan to get new m-flo off somebody anybody