Oops. I missed last week's
Saturday Photo Hunt by nearly a week. That's seldom a good thing, with a weekly event. So I guess I'd better post it now, so that it will appear before this week's Saturday Photo Hunt photo.
The theme for last Saturday was WITHER. And the photo I've chosen is one I took several years ago. The house next door to us had this old, crumbling wooden garage in the backyard. It was desperately in need of repairs, as you can see. Even basic maintenance was so neglected that those of us in neighboring homes were thinking of starting a pool to guess the exact date when it would finally collapse.
We never did. And it never did. Eventually, the owner sent in a demolition crew to tear the whole thing down. It was the end of an era. Here is the WITHERED old garage, looking as it did shortly before the owner finally had it put out of its misery. Strangely, I kind of miss it.
The next Saturday Photo Hunt theme is ZOOM. Stay tuned. It'll be up soon.