Dec 03, 2009 11:45
[kuh-prish-uhs, -pree-shuhs]
1. subject to, led by, or indicative of caprice or whim; erratic: He's such a capricious boss I never know how he'll react.
2. Obsolete. fanciful or witty.
Both definitions may describe the genomes and their attack patterns well, but in what universe does it work the same way as "Imitation" "Transient" "Fallicious" and "Ephemeral", among other adjectives for the Manikins? Beyond that of the collided multiworld that is Dissidia... This has been bugging me since I first went against a Thief (Or maybe it was a Reaper). The only ones that are worse are the Shanttoto and Gabranth Manikins, xxxx of Antiquity.
Also, it's sad that when I first saw it, I first defined by the second, obsolete definition. I'm such an English Major/Shakespeare Geek.