Pay It Forward Exchange

Feb 24, 2008 17:45

I just signed up for the Pay It Forward Exchange, which I found on Ravelry, a knitting/crocheting website.

The exchange is based off the movie "Pay it Forward" in which acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return. You just pass it on, or "pay it forward" with the hope that those who receive the acts will pass it on as well.

Here's how it works. I will make and send a handmade gift to the first three people who leave a comment to this post. I don't know what these gifts will be and they won't be sent this month. Probably I will not send them until I return to the States (unless you are here in the UK!). I do promise to send then within the next six months.

Now, all you have to do in return is "pay it forward." Post a version of this on your blog and keep the exchange alive!

You don't have to knit or crochet to participate, anyone who can make a nice handmade gift is welcome to join :)

If you'd like to be on of my three, post your email address on here and I'll get in touch with you.

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