(no subject)

Mar 29, 2008 02:13

So today was interesting.  Met my aunt and uncle in London last night, slept there, then spent about three hours navigating our way through London to Grantham.  Oh boy was that fun.  My uncle knows how to drive over here but we had awful maps and he kept getting confused, but we made it to Grantham just in time to meet up with my British family (after passing the hotel three times, go us).  Dinner with the families was fun and interesting, but not very long because I had to get to the costume ball.

Costume Ball was so much fun.  It came in three stages.  One: In Which I Wore Very Tight Corset (Chy put her foot on my back to lace me up)  Two: In Which I Wear No Corset Because There Are Little Black Dots Everywhere.  Three: In Which I Wear Corset Wimp-Style.  I should not go so long without wearing my corset.  My lungs don't know how to deal with the lack of oxygen.  But I had fun all the same even though I didn't have dinner (I'd eaten with my families).

The dance itself was fun.  It is lots of fun watching professors and deans and assistant deans getting drunk, but awkward watching your drunk classmates dancing with your drunk professors.  Ummmm.  Yeah.  But there was some good music in the middle and everyone was dancing to YMCA and Electric Slide and fun things like that, until the DJ decided to play shitty awful music and then we all just sort of stood around.

There were some good costumes...a bunch of grapes...the blue man group...lots of pirates.  A bunch of people had rented costumes from town and those were actually really nice.  Lots of renaissance-y stuff and hoop skirts.  But we were gypsies and it was fun, except for the corset bit.

So now it is 2am and I have had a bit of alcohol but I think right now I'm just exhausted.  Tomorrow I have to get up at 8am to meet my aunt and uncle at 9am.  I guess I should probably go to bed. 
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