Hobos, eggplants, and chalk

Nov 07, 2006 19:50

OK, so in my Lit class, we have this thing with hobos.  See, our prof likes to use hobos as examples, specifically in his copy editing and creative writing classes.  But he talks about them in Lit, too.  One day, he started talking about a naked hobo fisherman carrying an eggplant (that might be a phallic symbol, but he's not sure).  He'd mentioned said hobo in his copy editing class, and there are some students in both classes.

So after going to the write-in with the writing club, our club pres, Monica, who's also in the class, decided we needed to go to WalMart to get an eggplant to leave on his desk.  I needed raddishes, so I agreed, and we went and found the perfect eggplant.  The next day in class, he demanded to know who had left it in his office.  I nearly died of laughter, and I'm pretty sure Monica did, too.  He joked about it quite a bit, but class went on.  Then yesterday, I went to my creative writing class (different prof) and the eggplant was sitting in the corner.  Odd...apparently it keeps moving.

Today we get to class, and all the chalk is gone.  There's a ransom note on the podium signed "the hobos".  There's also a fantastic drawing of a hobo on the board.  So we laugh, haha.  The prof, however, cannot function without his chalk.  Not only has he lost his power to threaten to draw bad pictures of naked hobo fishermen, but he has also lost his way of explaining the symbolism in Billy Boyd.  Alas, he had to tell the class to give his chalk back.  No one said anything (besides a few giggles) and so he said "Do I have to turn around?" and we were about to die.  So he faced the chalkboard and Monica got out the chalk and rolled it to him.  We about died of laughter.

I can't wait to find out what happens next in the Hobo Adventures.  Ah lit class.  How I love thee. 
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