(no subject)

Feb 07, 2007 23:44

Hee.  Mostly I just missed typing that.  LOOOOOST!!!

OMG MPREG?  Is CANON??  Freaking awesome.  Can we get some Harry/Draco plzthx?  Or Snarry?  Sorry, I am in a weird mood.

Very weird episode.  I can't decide whose side Jules is on!  It seems to go back and forth!  Hm.  And then Alex!  Her dad is...Ben?  Except isn't her dad supposed to be dead?  And Ben/Rousseau = WEIRD AND SQUICKY!!!  But...maybe she just calls him dad because he was a sort of foster parent for her?

So Hanso is involved with this.  The dude with the eyeliner in Jules's flashbacks (yay for new flashbacks!) is definately from Hanso.  That's how the dude got hit by the bus.  Maybe this was when they were first recruiting for Hanso to get people on the island?  Hmmm, so many possibilities!

This half of the season is looking very interesting and craxy!  AWESOME!  AND I ACTUALLY GET TO WATCH IT THIS SEMESTER WOOT!!!

Hee.  I keep saying that tonight.  I'm not sure why.  Live in general is one big "Hee" right now.  I'm in a bouncy mood, which is a good mood to be in, though probably annoying to all of you.

I am going to get up tomorrow before noon.  That is the goal.  Laura, Bethany, and I are going to this awesome coffeeshop called Penny Lane at 11:30.  We went there for the first NaNo gathering, and it was freaking awesome.  Their hot apple chai is HEAVEN.  I am very excited.

I'm going to go mess with my pictures more.  I've been messing with them all week.  I got tired of my photobucket account being unorganized, but didn't want to break the links, so I just made a new one.  I uploaded 387 pictures to that thing.  It was fun.  Now I'm organizing the pictures on my computer and getting pictures from my camera to my computer so I can delete everything on my memory card.  That thing is seriously increadible.  I have 1036 pictures on there, and it says it can hold 235 more!!!  It is going to be very handy next semester when I'm in England.  No more film!  YES!  That stuff is expensive.

I keep trying to end this entry but keep coming up with more things to say!  This weekend is a dance...a masquerade, actually.  It's called Winter Whispers (giggle).  My mom is sending my black jazz dress (finally, I can wear it without worrying that another jazz choir girl will show up in it!), and I made a freaking awesome mask.  I'm going to do my hair all curly, and I'll be sure to take a picture of myself all masked.  It's going to be fun...my friend Bethany is doing so many people's hair and makeup that she had to make a schedule.  I'm at 5:45.  Which is lovely, especially since the dance is at 9pm.  It'll be like prom, except not.  *sigh*  I wish I could get my hair like that again...

I'll stop now before this entry gets freakishly long.  Continue on with your flist reading and expect a picspam soon!  :D

P.S. I'm going to be 19 in a month from yesterday...holycrap, I'm almost not a teenager anymore...
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