Spn_30snapshop Art 5/30 : DEATH
(If there is a problem with Imageshack, just let me know,....ಠ_ಠ )
Beta by the faster than light and amazing
maichan808 !
What's the concept?
My fifth prompt for the
spn_30snapshots community, Death. I will present my 30 prompts as a kind of Sam & Dean's journal (or a dictionary if you prefer) with one entry for each word of the table. I will fill the prompts out of order, maybe (if I can) once a week or once every two weeks.
A Master Post for the Snapshots?
Yes, just follow the link :
Master Post
Petite-Madame, you are drepressing. ಠ_ಠ You posted
an entry with Sam in Hell a couple of weeks ago, then
a wallpaper for a death!fic, not to mention you chose Romeo & Juliet for
spn_cinema , a story where everybody dies at the end. And now...this! When will the fun be back?
Next week, with a rather BIG entry.
I think it will be the biggest entry in terms of text and pages for this project. For the moment there are 7 pages and if I have the time I will add an eighth one (don't worry Maichan, nothing to beta for the additional page
An inspiration for this entry?
This great drawing I found on the Internet. Unfortunately, I don't know much about the author!
Tools of the trade ?
- Graphite on paper: the drawing
- Photography: notebook texture (what you can see on the left of the pic)
- Ballpoint pen: writings (text + title)
- Photoshop CS: texturizing and highlights
That's it for today!
See you next week