Ichigo/Rukia log X3

Sep 06, 2007 14:12

Log is private; No characters were there to see, etc. etc.

Who: Ichigo and Rukia X33
Where: Ichigo's bedroom. X3



+ This is a SHORT and ADORABLE log, therefore you clearly must read.

+ Even I would read this, which really goes to show you that it's SHORT.

+ I need a drink of water.

+ SNUGGLES!! They are so OTP.

It was raining. Ichigo knew because it was keeping him from falling asleep properly, and because the occasional dull thumps issuing from his closet were making sure he didn't sleep at all. He had rolled over in search of a cool, comfortable spot on his bed at least a dozen times before he finally fumbled around on the floor for the nearest thing to him and chucked what happened to be a paperback book for class in the vague direction of the shinigami in his closet. "Oi," he grumbled, "stop moving around in there, will you?"

It was raining. Rukia could hear the drumming of the raindrops on the roof, hear sheets as they slid down the window. Even in the closet and even after all of this time, she could hear and was bothered by the rain. It always cast her into a restless sleep, but today it was especially bad. She rolled around in her closet, occasionally thumping into the wall until she heard a loud THUD outside of her door.

"Stop throwing things at me, moron. How am I going to get to sleep if you're so loud?" she grumbled back.

Ichigo let his arm rest where it had fallen draped over the edge of the bed and glared blearily at the darkened edges of the closet doors on the other side of his room. Rain always put him in a grouchy mood, and his complete inability to fall back asleep was only making it worse. "You're not helping," he growled irritably.

Rukia rolled to face the closet door. She had been trying to sleep for an hour now, at least, and the fact that she was still awake made her grumpy. "I'm not doing anything wrong, moron. Go to sleep."

"I can't go to sleep with a herd of elephants rolling around in my closet," Ichigo said with a scowl. "Stop moving around in there."

"I can't," Rukia muttered, scowling to herself in the dark. If she could STOP moving around and just go to sleep, woudln't she have already done that? Stupid Ichigo.

Ichigo rolled onto his back tiredly, sighing, his arm coming to rest folded above his head this time. "Why not? You've got enough of my blankets in there." Nevermind that he was having the same problem; Rukia, at least, shouldn't be so restless tonight.

"The blankets are fine," she replied back, sighing and staring up at the ceiling.

"Then what is it," Ichigo asked dully. Rukia's voice helped distract him from the patter of water against his window, of nothing else, and he'd rather talk to her than it.

Rukia grumbled to herself, embarassed at the thought of telling Ichigo that she couldn't go to sleep because of a little rain. "I-- It's. Just annoying. The weather."

"Yeah," Ichigo sighed. It turned into a yawn. "Why don't you just come out here, then," he asked around it.

"I--What?" Rukia said, yawning in turn. She clearly hadn't heard him right.

"If you can't sleep in there, come out here," Ichigo grumbled, as if were the most obvious thing in the world. "At least then I won't have to listen to you thumping around anymore."

Rukia pushed open the door with her finger and peeked out through the crack. "Really? You're not just trying to make me feel stupid, are you?"

Ichigo lifted his head high enough to glare at her briefly before letting it fall on his pillow again. "Idiot. I don't care where you sleep as long as you do so that I can."

"I-- Well-- You--" Rukia blushed and returned the glare, but soon the overwhelming desire to finally fall asleep overtook her. Grabbing hold of one of her blankets, she jumped down and pushed the door open, then plodded over to Ichigo's bedside. "Fine."

Ichigo shifted closer to the wall to make room. "Just don't kick me or I'm
shoving you out on the floor," he grumbled.

"Only if you don't roll over and squash me," Rukia replied before pulling back the covers and crawling in next to him.

Ichigo rolled his eyes, then closed them, lying comfortably on his back. "Grow a little and maybe that wouldn't happen."

"If I grew more, I wouldn't fit in your closet, stupid," she mumbled back, scooting a little closer to his warmth unconsciously.

"Or bed," Ichigo grumbled, turning over on his side to get more comfortable. He could smell Rukia now, and it made him groggy. He sighed and let himself relax.

"Don't be stupid. Your bed's plenty big," Rukia said sleepily. She scowled as he shifted. "Stop moving. You make the bed bumpy."

"I'm allowed to move in my own bed," Ichigo told her with a yawn. "Stop talking, you make the bed loud."

"I would be offended if that made any sense," Rukia said. Ichigo's warmth and smell were comforting and she could hardly hear the rain now. Her eyes drooped.

"Makes plenty sense," Ichigo grumbled, his eyes heavy with sleep. He shifted a little closer and sighed.

"You're....stupid," Rukia said slowly, breathing becoming softer and more even. She shifted her head on her pillow until she bumped her forehead with Ichigo's chin.

Ichigo lifted his head so that Rukia's was tucked under it, the sound of the rain somehow softer now than her breathing. "'M not stupid," he mumbled in more of a whisper than a real voice.

Rukia snuggled closer to Ichigo until they were both comfortable. "....warm. G...night.....chgo."

Ichigo smiled a little at her obvious sleepyness, finally succumbing to his own as his eyes closed and he brushed his lips against the top of Rukia's head in what he thought was probably supposed to be a show of affection. She was cute like this. "G'night, Rukia."

this is my otp!, it should rain more often, snuggles!!!, rabid has a stalker, aim log, snuzz does not fail at hiatus, ichiruki, :3, log, cuuuuute

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