Rukia and Mattiger cub log :3

Apr 09, 2007 00:36

Log is private; No characters were there to see, etc. etc.

Who: Rukia and Tigercub!Matt
What: CUTE. :3
Where: Matt's apartment


Rukia: *magically walks into Matt's apartment place because, well, why not? :|* Matt? o_o
Mattcub: *prowling behind the couch*
Rukia: *looks around room with o.O expression on face* Maaaatt? Where are you? >|
Mattcub: *POUNCES*
Rukia: kjashdkahsdkuhawkudhawduh *pounced on* MATT! WHAT WAS THAT FOR? >O
Mattcub: *latches onto leg* :3
Rukia: kjashdkjhasdkuash WHAT ARE YOU DOING? *glares down at*
Mattcub: *gnaws innocently*
Rukia: *flails a little bit and then gets an idea* ........well if you want to play like that. *grins* *tickles behind ears*
Mattcub: *flops over and paws at*
Rukia: *giggles and tickles belly*
Mattcub: *catches hand and gnaws on it*
Rukia: Hey you! >O *uses other hand to tickle behind head*
Mattcub: *rolls head around in an attempt to catch her fingers*
Rukia: *takes this chance to grab him around his belly and pick him up* Aha! What now? >D
Mattcub: *struggles, meowing in protest*
Rukia: *watches in amusement at flailing!cub!Matt* You're so cute! :3
Mattcub: *kicks*
Rukia: You know. You're lucky I don't take you to Yuzu-chan and have her dress you up like she dresses up Kon. :|
Mattcub: *stops struggling and mews*
Rukia: There you go. Much better. *giggles and sets him on the floor and sits down next to him* Now I couldn't find something live for you to chase, but you'd be amazed how much fun a large ball of string can be. :D *produces a HUGE ball of string*
Mattcub: o.o
Rukia: Don't look at me like that. :| :| *rolls the ball at him*
Mattcub: *hunches* o.o
Rukia: What are you afraid of it? It's not going to bite you.
Mattcub: *wriggles* o.o
Rukia: you want me to pick you up again? :|
Mattcub: ..................*POUNCES*
Rukia: ............................askjhsahkauwhdkuawhdkgawkugdkuawgdkuagwdkug! *falls over with Mattiger on her*
Mattcub: :3 *licks*
Rukia: You're just lucky you're adorable! >O *sits back up, holding Mattcub around the stomach* ..... *leans forward and rubs noses with*
Mattcub: *licks nose*
Rukia: *wrinkles nose and giggles*
Mattcub: *paws at* :3
Rukia: *tickles paws*
Mattcub: *bats at* :O
Rukia: *nods decisively and tucks Mattcub under arms and marches over to fridge* *grabs gallon of milk and balancing carefully sets both milk and Mattcub on top of slick countertop while searching for a bowl*
Mattcub: *slides around* o.o!
Rukia: *grabs a bowl and turns around to see Mattcub sliding all over counter* ....Matt! O.O
Mattcub: *mews* ;__;
Rukia: *rushes forward and grabs him just before he slides off the edge* What'd you do THAT for?! >O
Mattcub: *clings* ;____________;
Rukia: Don't you give me that look. >|| *takes and sets him down on the counter again, but keeping an eye on him this time* *pours milk out into bowl*
Mattcub: *crouches* ;__;
Rukia: *scratches head* What else do tiger cubs eat? *looks at Matt expectantly as though he'll suddenly talk and give her an answer*
Mattcub: *watches* o.o
Rukia: *watches back* o.o
Mattcub: *mews* o.o
Rukia: Well that was utterly unhelpful. >| *looks around the kitchen* Er......... Apples? Do you want an apple?
Mattcub: *makes a face*
Rukia: ....I'll take that as a no. *looks around more, frowning* Er. Oranges? :D?
Mattcub: *sneezes*
Rukia: ....o.o
Mattcub: >.>
Rukia: o.o
Mattcub: <.<
Rukia: -_____-
Mattcub: ;___;
Rukia: How about........*opens fridge and looks around* Er. Meat? o.O?
Mattcub: *licks lips* :3
Rukia: *rolls eyes* Meat it is. *brings out a plate and puts meat on it* Now. Will you slide off if you try to eat on here?
Mattcub: *stands awkwardly and crouches quickly again when he nearly slips* ;____;
Rukia: ....a simple yes or no would have done FINE. :| *picks Mattcub up and takes him back to the big ball of yarn* Now stay here while I go get your food. AND DON'T TANGLE YOURSELF IN THE YARN! >O
Mattcub: *immediately pounces on it* X3
Rukia: *grabs plate of meat and bowl of milk and comes back to Matt* .... *stares* .....
Mattcub: *gnawing on the yarn* :3?
Rukia: ....that's not edible, you know. :|
Mattcub: *continues gnawing*
Rukia: OY YOU. HERE'S YOUR MEAT AND YOUR MILK! >OOO *sits down next to him with both plate and bowl*
Mattcub: *sniffs and comes over* o.o
Rukia: *grins and beckons him to come closer*
Mattcub: *pads over, eyes on the food* o.o
Rukia: *pushes bowl of milk forward a little*
Mattcub: *laps at it* X3
Rukia: Awww. :3
Mattcub: *sits down to gnaw on meat*
Rukia: *leans forward to scratch behind ears*
Mattcub: *ignores*
Rukia: *lets finger trail from scratching behind ear to forehead*
Mattcub: *noses*
Rukia: *pokes him between the eyes* X3
Mattcub: *nips at her fingers*
Rukia: :O
Mattcub: :3
Rukia: Eat your food, you! >|
Mattcub: *gnaws on it again*
Rukia: *watches in amusement*
Mattcub: *finishes and flops over*
Rukia: ....*giggles and leans forward to pick him up*
Mattcub: *yawns*
Rukia: Awww, sleepy? *picks him up and puts him on her lap as she sits Indian-style*
Mattcub: *curls up, kneading lap*
Rukia: *scratches behind his head*
Mattcub: *nuzzles hand* X3
Rukia: *resists urge to give him a HUGE hug* Now you're just trying to soften me up. THAT's not going to work, Mister. >:| *continues petting softly*
Mattcub: *purrs* ^^
Rukia: *scratches behind ears and hums*
Mattcub: *tucks nose under tail and closes eyes*
Rukia: *continues petting and scratching and humming* :3
Mattcub: *purrs*
Rukia: *shifts a little so back is against back of couch* Go to sleep, you. :O
Mattcub: *yawns*
Rukia: *pets head with two fingers very gently* ^^
Mattcub: *flops over and closes eyes again, purring sleepily*
Rukia: *rubs stomach*
Mattcub: *falls asleep*

so cute omfg, adorkable biffles, rukia didn't get hit this time!, :3, look at matt slide around, woobles!, mattiger!, can i pet him?

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