Orihime and Rukia Log

Mar 31, 2007 19:55

Log is private; No characters were there to see, etc. etc.

Who: Orihime and Rukia
What: Orihime and Rukia have a girl talk. AKA Hime tells the Queen of Awkward that she and Ishida are moving in together and that they slept together. :O :O
Where: Ichigo's room? Pfft. I dunno. :|
When: ....sometime after Ishida and Orihime get it on? :|

+ Part something of something in the Hueco Mundo-related logs. ...technically.


+ There is more flailing in this log than is healthy.

+ ........it's hilarious.

+ Orihime + Rukia = Best Biffles Ever. Trufaxx. :|

+ This might be the most awkward log since Remus's "Talk" with Hime. :| :|

Orihime summoned Ayame and Shunou back into her hairpins and sat down on the edge of Ichigo's bed. "There. How do you feel now?"

Rukia sat up, stretching her arms and legs. For the first time in a week she didn't feel as though her limbs were on fire every time she tried to move.

"I feel completely healed, Inoue. Better than I felt before, even. Thank you." She turned and gave Orihime a grateful smile.

Orihime was in a fantastic mood and grinned, bouncing up and down on the bed a little bit. "I'm so glad! Everyone is okay and safe and I'm so happy!"

Rukia got out from underneath the covers and stood up, happy to be able to stretch her legs for the first time in days. They wobbled underneath her from misuse.

"I'm glad everything worked out so well," Rukia smiled, glaring at her wobbling legs underneath her. When they finally steadied, she looked back up at Orihime. "And how are you now, Inoue?"

Orihime floped back on the bed and sighed dramatically, a wide grin still on her face. "I am absolutely wonderful, Kuchiki-san. Thank you for asking!"

Rukia laughed at Orihime's dramatics. She walked around the room while talking to the other girl. "I saw that Ishida and Sirius-san and Shishido-san were very happy to have you back!"

Orihime sat up again. "Oh yeah! I'm sleeping over at Sirius' tonight and then Shishido is coming over tomorrow and I've spent all day with Uryuu." She swooned again, falling back onto the bed.

Rukia watched in amusement. She hadn't seen Orihime this happy in....quite some time. Since before New Years. It was nice to see her laugh again.
Once her legs had been stretched out enough, Rukia plopped down on the bed beside Orihime.

"Ishida looked happier than I've seen him in a long time, today."

Orihime smiled, almost smirking, and nodded. She felt all bubbly and happy and bouncy and her cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling too much.

Something about Orihime was a little too happy, Rukia decided while staring at the other girl.

"Any reason in particular?" she asked.

Orihime paused for a moment, unsure of how much she should tell Rukia. "Well..." she began, sitting up and turning to the other girl conspiritorially, "Uryuu and I are moving in together."

Rukia blinked, taken back by surprise. "You're going to be living together?" It made sense. Orihime and Ishida both lived alone. And they loved each other. Especially after everything that happened in Hueco Mundo, it made perfectly logical sense that they would move in together. She smiled widely. "That's wonderful, Inoue!"

Orihime clapped her hands together and bounced. "Thank you, Kuchiki-san!!!! I'm so excited!!!"

"When is he moving in?" Rukia asked, curious. Orihime's aparment was barely big enough for her.

Orihime stopped bouncing and shrugged. "Oh...I don't know. I guess on April 1st-ish...that's when his rent will run out for his apartment." She started bouncing again. "But I'm so excited!!! It just makes sense, right? We've been together for six months and he sleeps over nearly every night anyway, it's silly to have two apartments especially since we both live alone..." Orihime continued babbling.

"Do you need any help with moving things?" Rukia asked, almost giggling herself. Orihime's excitement was nothing sort of infectious.

"Oh...I don't know! We never actually planned anything out, so I don't know how we're going to do that." Orihime shrugged and stopped bouncing again as she sort of spaced out, staring at nothing on the wall. "I just asked and he said yes and then we...got distracted."

Rukia blinked at Orihime's odd behavior. "Distracted?"

It took Orihime a moment to realize that Rukia had said something. "What?? Oh...right, yeah." She blushed. "Distracted."

Rukia looked closely at Orihime. "Distracted by......what?"

Orihime's blush deepened. "...each other..."

Rukia blinked and blushed at Orihime's answer. She hadn't meant to pry. "W-well I'm sure you two deserved it, a-after what happened with Hueco Mundo and everything."

Orihime smiled softly, still blushing deeply. "Yeah. Maybe. I just...I love him so much."

Rukia smiled. She hadn't seen a genuine smile from Orihime in quite some time. "I take it you two will be spending a lot of time together now? ....to make up for lost time?"

Orihime's blush still didn't fade. If anything it deepened. "Yeah. I think so."

Rukia noticed Orihime's blush, but decided not to comment on it. "Well I'm glad."

Orihime grinned. "Me too. This has been a really great day so far."

"What have you done?" Rukia asked, stretching and falling back on the bed.

Orihime sighed happily. "I woke up and I was home and not in Hueco Mundo anymore, and Uryuu was there, and he gave me this charm for my necklace as an anniversary present, " she held up the necklace so that Rukia could see it, "and then..." she trailed off, blushing again.

Rukia propped herself up on her elbows. "And then...?"

Orihime bit her lip and motioned with her arms helplessly, hoping that Rukia would understand without her having to actually say it.

Rukia stared at the other girl. "Er. What?"

Orihime blushed even deeper and avoided eye-contact like it was her job. "We...slept together," she said, covering her face with her hands, embarassed.

Rukia blinked. And stared. And then blinked again. And then,
somehow, Orihime's words sunk in. "You what?!" Rukia squeaked as she jumped up from the bed.

Orihime jumped up too. "Shh!!! Uryuu and Kurosaki-kun are right downstairs!!!" she pleaded. Then lowering her voice, she repeated, "We slept together, Kuchiki-san."

Rukia clamped a hand over her mouth, blushing furiously. "Sorry," she whispered. Internally Rukia was keysmashing. Long, long lines of keysmashes. For pages on end, if she had been on Livejournal at the moment. "Y-you....er....I-- Er. C-congratulations, Inoue!"

Orihime sat back down on the bed, facing away from Rukia, her face still in her hands. "Er...thanks."

Rukia continued to stand awkwardly, looking around somewhere in the room to stare. Unfortunately, she found nothing. Darnit. So her eyes drifted back to Orihime. "I--er. D-did you have a g-good time?"

Orihime flailed, refusing to make eye contact with Rukia. "I...yes."

Rukia flailed as well. It was a synchronized type of flailing between the two. And lots and lots of blushing to boot. "I--er--I mean--Th-that's good. A-and I'm sure you were s-safe and all of that and--er. I-- That's good, I-Inoue."

Orihime nearly fell over she was flailing so hard. "Kuchiki-san!!! ...of course we were safe!!!"

Rukia wanted to, simply put. Die. "I-I know! I d-didn't mean it like that!"

Orihime was pretty sure that she wanted to die too. "I know! I just..." She flailed.

"Th-there's nothing wrong with it!" Flail. Flail flail flail. ....flail? "Y-you two l-love each other and have been dating and--"

Flail. "I know! I don't think there's anything wrong with it!" FLAIL! "This is just awkward!!!!"

Someone's going to dislocate their arms soon. Seriously. "Th-there's nothing wrong with it at all! C-completely natural! A-and normal!" Flaaaaaaaaaaail. "This is very VERY awkward!"

Really now, somebody's going to lose an eye. "Of course it is! We've been together for six months and we love each other ...Then why are we still talking about it???"

Possibly both of them. "R-right! E-exactly! Th-that's why congratulations are in order and things and-- ............I don't know! Maybe we should f-find a-another topic!"

Orihime sat back down on the bed, on her hands, to keep herself from
flailing something loose. "It's weird if you congratualate me, Kuchiki-san!!! And okay!!! Let's talk about something else, then!!!"

Rukia stopped flailing about quite so violently as well as her arms were starting to get a bit sore. "I--er right. I won't. Er. That was the last time then. And. Er. ..."

Orihime groped about for a subject in her head and came up empty. She was pretty sure that asking Rukia about herself and Ichigo would probably be just as flaily. "...Maybe we should just go downstairs and talk to Uryuu and Kurosaki-kun, then...?"

If by flaily Orihim meant spontaneous combustion, then yes. Good move on her part. .....said the narrator. "I--er. Y-yes. Maybe that would be a good idea," Rukia said, holding her hand out to help Orihime up from the bed. Her face was still rather red.

Orihime took Rukia's hand and stood up, brushing off her skirt awkwardly. She laughed nervously. "Hehe...good talk, Kuchiki-san..."

"O-of course. We should....talk more often, Inoue. I-I mean we're girlfriends, right? And...er...girlfriends...talk. About...things," Rukia said, coughing.

Orihime bit her lip. "Maybe....maybe if we talk more, then it won't be so awkward anymore?"

Rukia blinked. Well she doubted that. "Maybe....I--er. Yes. Then we'll both be...more.......comfortable around....subjects. And that would be.......good, right?"

Orihime sighed and shrugged. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about stuff like that, Kuchiki-san." She took a step toward the door. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"No, you didn't. I was just...surprised, that's all," Rukia said, awkwardly, following Orihime to the door. "I'm not....used to conversations like these. I just need practice, that's all."

Orihime nodded and smiled softly. "Okay. Let's go down and see our boys, then?"

Rukia nodded, relieved that the conversation had finally gotten past the flailing stage. "Let's. If they haven't killed each other by now."

Orihime's smile widened. "Well, I haven't heard anything break yet. I think that's a good sign."

Rukia held the door open for Orihime. "You're right. Maybe they're bonding instead," she grinned.

"That's actually kind of scary." Orihime giggled.

"I'm sure they're planning a night full of painting nails and sharing gossip even as we speak," Rukia said, choking on laughter.

Orihime blanched for a moment. "You don't think they have conversations like the one we just had....do you?"

Rukia stopped for a moment, considering. And then she broke down in a fit of laughter. "Can you imagine Ichigo and Ishida discussing their intimate feelings, Inoue?"

Orihime smiled again. "You're right. That's silly." She giggled again and began walking down the stairs.

[And then they walked into the living room and saw Ichigo and Ishida who were making out staring at each other awkwardly and glaring and then there was flailing and double dates and makeouts. THE END. :D]

snuzz writes the best endings, rukia is the queen of awkward, i am laughing at their pain, omfg the awkward, lots of blushing, fae and snuzz obviously win, orihime is hopelessly adorable, orihime did what with ishida?, flaaaaaail, bffs, log, :|

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