fossil poetry, uk

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  • Brrrraggadocio

    peteyoung May 10, 2011 14:44

    "There are two types of people in the world: Winners and... I don't know how to say the word, I can't say it."

    One of the specific reasons I've never watched The Apprentice, although if I could ever tolerate the chilling arrogance of these irritating Losers it looks like I might be in for a few good laughs.

    fossil poetry, uk

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  • Friday short fiction #17: Britain, Britain, Britain...

    peteyoung Apr 29, 2011 09:19

    Read more... )

    shortform, martin amis, uk, friday short fiction

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  • Star Count Week

    peteyoung Jan 31, 2011 09:47

    The Campaign to Protect Rural England and The Campaign for Dark Skies want people to look up at Orion - one of the most recognisable constellations in the winter night sky - and count the stars they see.

    To explain, here's a very mellow 5-minute audio slideshow, also with some lovely 'earth from space' graphics.

    astronomy, uk

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